Run Query Reports

Run Query Reports

In the Eagle Portal, you can run query reports for one or more portfolios by using a date rule, a date, or date range, for example:

  • Compare portfolio performance against benchmarks.
  • Get transaction history.
  • Determine sector distributions for a portfolio's holdings.
  • Cross-reference securities among portfolios.

To run a query report for selected portfolios:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Queries, select a query group, and click to select a query.
    You see the Query window displayed in the default view. The query report name is next to the Query Name header.

    NOTE: If your organization has implemented MicroStrategy and you have permissions, you can run MicroStrategy reports from the Queries drop down menu. With appropriate permissions, you can also access the MicroStrategy Web application from the Eagle Portal. Click the Microstrategy Web drop down menu in the upper right corner of the Eagle Portal's main window.
  2. To run a query report for different portfolios and dates, click Edit Criteria.
    You see the Edit Criteria dialog box.
  3. Select the appropriate options:
    –  View. Allows you to select a view. You can select from the views you created or from the shared views that are available to you.
    –  Search drop down menu. Allows you to select which field to use in searching. You can search by Entity ID or Entity Name, by entity cross reference field such as the Custodian Account ID, and by Favorite portfolios. For securities, you can search by security cross reference fields, in addition to the Primary Asset ID, to select securities based on identifiers associated with third party applications and accounting systems. For issues, you can also search by issue cross reference fields in addition to the Issue Name.
    –  Search text box. Allows you to enter the search criteria.
    –  Advanced Search. Allows you to display all the available information that matches the search criteria.
    –  Date. Allows you to select a date or a date range for the query. You can click the drop down arrow to select a date from the calendar or enter the date directly into the text box.
    –  Date Type. Allows you to select a date type for the query.
    –  Date Rule. Allows you to select a date rule for the query.
    –  Investment Types. Allows you to select the investment types for the query.
    –  MSTR Effective Date. For MicroStrategy reports only. Allows you to select a date or a date range for a MicroStrategy query.
    –  Restore Defaults. Allows to reset all the changes you made to the query criteria and use the default portfolio information.
    NOTE: For MicroStrategy queries, you may choose not to specify any options. In this case, the information for all available options will be displayed based on selected entities and dates.
  4. Click Submit.
    You see the query report results with all the available fields, including cross reference fields, presented in the current query view.
  5. To manage the way query report results are displayed in the current view, click the Current View drop down menu and select the appropriate options
    NOTE: For MicroStrategy reports, only the Save and Save As options are available in the Current View drop down menu. You cannot edit MicroStrategy query report results in the Eagle Portal.
  6. To select another view, click the View drop down menu, select My Views or Shared Views, and click to select a view.
    The view you selected becomes the current view. You can select from the views you created or from the shared Views that are available to you.