Client Data Loading (Main)
This section describes data loading into the main DB table RULESDBO.CLIENT, as well as the DB tables RULESDBO.INSTITUTION and RULESDBO.INDIVIDUAL.
Loading into the specified tables occurs from all elements in EagleML/referenceTransaction/client complex node except clientAddress and clientRelationship.
Client Id Element
The value of Client Id is contained in the EagleML/referenceTransaction/client/clientId element (mapped to the RULESDBO.CLIENT.CLIENT_ID database field).
The value of clientId element is required and it should be unique.
Client Switch
The element EagleML/referenceTransaction/client/clientSwitch determines in which of enumerated tables the data will be loaded.
The element EagleML/referenceTransaction/client/clientSwitch can posses one of following values:
<clientSwitch>CL</clientSwitch> - indicates that data will be loaded only into the RULESDBO.CLIENT table
<clientSwitch>CLINS</clientSwitch> - indicates that data will be loaded into the RULEDBO.CLIENT and RULESDBO.INSTITUTION tables
<clientSwitch>CLIND</clientSwitch> - indicates that data will be loaded into the RULEDBO.CLIENT and RULESDBO.INDIVIDUAL table
<clientSwitch>ALL</clientSwitch> - indicates that data will be loaded into the RULEDBO.CLIENT, RULESDBO.INSTITUTION and RULESDBO.INDIVIDUAL tables.
Insert/Update modes
In case of loading (INSERT mode) the new row into the database table RULESDBO.CLIENT every value in the set of values below should be unique and should not be present in the database table.
In case of updating (UPDATE mode) the existing row in the database table RULESDBO.CLIENT the set of values below should be should be unchanged in the database table (main section of the EagleML message, RULESDBO.CLIENT database table):
EagleML/referenceTransaction/client/clientId (mapped into RULESDBO.CLIENT.CLIENT_ID database field);
EagleML/referenceTransaction/client/instance (if present in the EagleML message, mapped into RULESDBO.CLIENT.INSTANCE database field).
Other fields in this database tables can take on any values.