Vendor Cash Flow Inbound Interface Description

Vendor Cash Flow Inbound Interface Description

The elements of Vendor Cash Flow EagleML object are loaded to the SECURITYDBO.VENDOR_CASH_FLOW table and Security Cross Reference Identifiers.The Key fields for Vendor Cash Flow Object, which define a unique record in SECURITYDBO.VENDOR_CASH_FLOW table, are:







Insert/Update and Delete

Vendor Cash Flow EagleML Inbound supports INSERT/UPDATE and DELETE actions for Vendor Cash Flow records. The action to be performed is chosen by setting the EagleML/referenceTransaction/header/action field in the incoming data file.If the value of <action> is 'DELETE', the record will be deleted.  Otherwise, the record will be inserted/updated.

Stored Procedure/Panel Modes

Based on EagleML/referenceTransaction /vendorCashFlow/accountingValidationFlag the Vendor Cash Flow record can be processed (inserted/updated/deleted) directly by the stored procedure (SP) or by the panel with accounting validations.If the value of <accountingValidationFlag> is 'Y', the record will be sent for processing to the panel, otherwise it will be processed by the stored procedure.

  • Stored Procedure used to insert/update Vendor Cash Flow record - PACE_MASTERDBO.ESTAR_SEC.INS_UPD_CASH_FLOW

  • Stored Procedure used to delete Vendor Cash Flow record - PACE_MASTERDBO.ESTAR_SEC.DELETE_CASH_FLOW

  • Panel used to insert/update Vendor Cash Flow record - eagle/star/reference/pan-addcashflows.htm

  • Panel used to delete Vendor Cash Flow record - eagle/star/reference/pan-delcashflow.htm

Required fields for Vendor Cash Flow Record Processing

  • Effective Date (1109)

  • Cash Flow Type (11760)

  • Speed Type (11761)

  • Flow Date (11763)

  • Source Name (1102)

Rules and XSDs

The following rules are used to load Vendor Cash Flow EagleML object:

  •  xml-ref_vendorcashflow.xml (within the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference stream)

Vendor Cash Flow elements are described in the following XSDs:

  • eagleml-ref-2-0.xsd

  • eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd