Vendor Cash Flow Inbound Interface Description
The elements of Vendor Cash Flow EagleML object are loaded to the SECURITYDBO.VENDOR_CASH_FLOW table and Security Cross Reference Identifiers.The Key fields for Vendor Cash Flow Object, which define a unique record in SECURITYDBO.VENDOR_CASH_FLOW table, are:
Insert/Update and Delete
Vendor Cash Flow EagleML Inbound supports INSERT/UPDATE and DELETE actions for Vendor Cash Flow records. The action to be performed is chosen by setting the EagleML/referenceTransaction/header/action field in the incoming data file.If the value of <action> is 'DELETE', the record will be deleted. Otherwise, the record will be inserted/updated.
Stored Procedure/Panel Modes
Based on EagleML/referenceTransaction /vendorCashFlow/accountingValidationFlag the Vendor Cash Flow record can be processed (inserted/updated/deleted) directly by the stored procedure (SP) or by the panel with accounting validations.If the value of <accountingValidationFlag> is 'Y', the record will be sent for processing to the panel, otherwise it will be processed by the stored procedure.
Stored Procedure used to insert/update Vendor Cash Flow record - PACE_MASTERDBO.ESTAR_SEC.INS_UPD_CASH_FLOW
Stored Procedure used to delete Vendor Cash Flow record - PACE_MASTERDBO.ESTAR_SEC.DELETE_CASH_FLOW
Panel used to insert/update Vendor Cash Flow record - eagle/star/reference/pan-addcashflows.htm
Panel used to delete Vendor Cash Flow record - eagle/star/reference/pan-delcashflow.htm
Required fields for Vendor Cash Flow Record Processing
Effective Date (1109)
Cash Flow Type (11760)
Speed Type (11761)
Flow Date (11763)
Source Name (1102)
Rules and XSDs
The following rules are used to load Vendor Cash Flow EagleML object:
xml-ref_vendorcashflow.xml (within the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference stream)
Vendor Cash Flow elements are described in the following XSDs: