Client Inbound Interface

Client Inbound Interface


The Client inbound interface allows loading and updating the data in the following database tables:







The format of the incoming message is EagleML.

In this section

Stream Logic

Client inbound interface allows loading or updating data in CLIENT tables. Send an EagleML message to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference stream to do that.

Loading the Client (main) Data into the Database

The data from the main section of the EagleML message (that is, all elements from EagleML/referenceTransaction/client complex node except clientAddress and clientRelationship elements) are loading into RULESDBO.CLIENT, RULESDBO.INSTITUTION and RULESDBO.INDIVIDUAL database tables.

Loading the Client Address Data into the Database

The data from the Client Address section of EagleML message (that is, all elements from EagleML/referenceTransaction/client/clientAddress complex node) are loading into RULESDBO.CLIENT_ADDRESS database table.

Loading the Client Relationship data into the Database

The data from the Client Relationship section of EagleML message (that is, all elements from EagleML/referenceTransaction/client/clientRelationship complex node) are loading into RULESDBO.CLIENT_RELATIONSHIPS and RULESDBO.CLIENT_RELATIONSHIP_DETAIL database tables.