Client Communication Inbound Interface

Client Communication Inbound Interface


The client inbound interface allows loading and updating the data in the following database table:  RULESDBO.CLIENT_COMMUNICATION

The format of incoming message is EageML.

Stream Logic

For loading or updating data in the CLIENT_COMMUNICATION table, you should send an EagleML message to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference stream.

See an example of incoming EagleML message.

Loading the Client Communication Data into the Database

See the Client Communication Data Map table.

Required Elements

The following elements are required in the incoming message:

  • Client Id (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/clientId) or Client Instance (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/clientInst)

  • Address Type (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/addressType) or Address Instance (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/addressInst)

  • Effective Date (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/effectiveDate)

  • Communication Type (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/communicationType).

Client Id, Client Instance Elements

The database field CLIENT_INST is required in the RULESDBO.CLIENT_COMMUNICATION table. T
here are two ways to load data into the CLIENT_INST database field:

  1. The Client Instance can be calculated by the element Client Id (mapped to CLIENT_ID field) in the RULESDBO.CLIENT DB table in lookup. The received value of Client Instance (DB field INSTANCE in RULESDBO.CLIENT table) will be inserted into DB field RULESDBO.CLIENT_COMMUNICATION.CLIENT_INST DB field.

  2. Directly mapping from the EagleML element Client Instance (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/clientInst). If the element Client Instance is not null in incoming, it will be mapped to DB field CLIENT_INST (element Client Id will be ignored).

The specified Client should exists in the RULESDBO.CLIENT  table.

Address Type, Address Instance Elements

The database field ADDRESS_INST is required in RULESDBO.CLIENT_COMMUNICATION table. 

There are two ways to load data into the ADDRESS_INST DB field:

  1. The Address Instance can  be calculated by the set of elements: Client Instance + Address Type + Effective Date. The element Client Instance has been defined (see the section 'Client Id, Client Instance elements' above). The element Address Type should be specified in incoming message. The Address Instance will be defined by lookup in RULESDBO.CLIENT_ADDRESS DB table. Input mapping:

    • Client Instance – DB field CLIENT_INST

    • Address Type – DB field ADDRESS_TYPE

    • Effective Date – DB field EFFECTIVE_DATE

    The Address Instance (DB field RULESDBO.CLIENT_ADDRESS.INSTANCE) will be calculated by the specified fields.

  2. Directly mapping from the EagleML element Address Instance (referenceTransaction/clientCommunication/addressInst). If the element Address Instance is not null in incoming, it will be mapped to  field ADDRESS_INST (element Address Type will be ignored).

The specified Client Address should exist in the RULESDBO.CLIENT_ADDRESS table.

Insert/Update Modes

For loading (INSERT mode) the new row into the database table RULESDBO.CLIENT_COMMUNICATION, every value in the set of values below should be unique and should not be present in the database table.
For updating (UPDATE mode) the existing row in the database table RULESDBO. CLIENT_COMMUNICATION, the set of values below should be should be unchained in the database table.
The set of values (RULESDBO.CLIENT_COMMUNICATION database table):

  • RULESDBO.CLIENT_COMMUNICATION.ADDRESS_INST (EagleML element Address Instance or set of elements Client Instance + Address Type)


  • RULESDBO. CLIENT_COMMUNICATION.COMM_TYPE (EagleML element Communication Type)

The other fields in these database tables can take on any values.