Verify Fund of Funds Targets

Verify Fund of Funds Targets

In the Verify Fund of Fund Targets panel, you can confirm that the sum of underlying target percentages is equal to 100% after you use the fund of funds message stream to add or update fund of funds targets.

When you manually create or update fund of funds targets with the Create Fund of Funds Target panel or the Edit Fund of Funds Target panel, a validation warning exists that alerts you if the total sum of Fund of Fund Target percentages is not equal to 100%. This warning is not available when you use the fund of funds message stream to add or change fund of funds target percentages. Instead, when you use the fund of funds message stream to add or update fund of funds targets, you can manually use the Verify Fund of Fund Targets panel or automate use of the fund of funds message center stream to confirm that the sum of underlying target percentages is equal to 100%. 

To verify that fund of funds targets have target percentages that sum to 100%: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Fund Accounting > Fund of Funds Verify Fund of Fund Targets.
    You see the Verify Fund of Fund Targets panel.

  2. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the unique identifier or name of the master fund, or top-level fund, associated with the targets you want to verify.

  3. In the Effective Date field, specify the effective date for the target rates you want to verify. 
    The entity's FOF Allocation Rule value and that rule's Fund of Fund Allocation Method value appears.

  4. In the Fund of Fund Process Type field, select the type of target rates you want to verify.
    Options include:
    - Allocation. Default. Verifies actual allocation target percentages.
    - Theoretical. Verifies theoretical target percentages. 

  5. Click Submit.
    The system generates a database error if the percentages sum is not equal to 100%, indicating that the underlying fund of funds target percentages are not equal to 100%.