Understand the Fund of Funds Allocation Process
Eagle's mutual fund accounting solution allows you to process fund of funds cash allocations. You can use the Post Fund of Funds Allocation panel to process allocations manually, as described in Post Fund of Funds Allocations, or can set up the system to process fund of funds allocations automatically. Behind the scenes, there are six main parts of the fund of fund allocation process that the system performs. They include 1) creating a fund of funds processing ID, 2) retrieving staging data, 3) process reinvestment activity, 4) calculating cash flow, 5) calculating fund of funds allocations, and 6) generating pending trades. The following sections describe each part of the process at a high level.
Remember that you cannot run the fund of funds allocation process until you complete the setup tasks. You can run the process after you add a fund of funds cash ledger rule, add the cash ledger rule to a fund of funds allocation rule, add the fund of funds allocation rule to the top-level entity, add all fund of funds targets, and apply all fund of funds cash adjustments as needed.
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