Set Tolerances for Expense Payments
When you process expense payments for budgeted and variable expenses, you can set accrual type tolerances or payment type tolerances to determine which payments pass, fail, or cause the system to issue an alert. For details on setting the accrual tolerance fields, see Manage Variable Expenses and Manage Budgeted Expenses.
Accrual Tolerances. Indicates the acceptable difference between the current accrual value and the prior accrual value when the system updates the accrual. You can define an accrual tolerance as a dollar amount or percentage. For example, suppose you set an accrual tolerance of $100. If the current accrual value is more than $100 than the prior accrual, thereby exceeding the current accrual value, Eagle's Control Center generates a warning.
Payment Tolerances. Indicates the acceptable difference between an accrual and its corresponding payment. You can define a payment tolerance as a dollar amount or percentage. For example, suppose you set a payment tolerance of 10%. If the payment is more than 10% higher than the corresponding accrual, thereby exceeding the payment tolerance, the system assigns the payment a Failing status and Eagle's Control Center generates a warning. You can also use the Failed Payment Edit report to identify failed payments.
For payments that fail, you can manually update the payment and then modify the status to Full or Partial. You do this only if the payment represents a portion of the overall payment and does not reflect the final payment. You can also record a reason for changing the payment.