Delete Mixed Cost Basis Rule Details
In the Delete Mixed Cost Basis Rule Details panel, you can delete mixed cost basis rule details. When you delete the details for the mixed cost basis rule, you do not delete the Mixed Basis Rule Name, and you can re-use the name.
To delete mixed cost basis rule details:
Do one of the following:
- In Portfolio Data Center, in the left navigation pane, click Portfolio Desk > Accounting Portfolio Rules > Mixed Cost Basis Rules > Delete Mixed Cost Basis Rule Details.
- In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Portfolio Rules > Mixed Cost Basis Rules > Delete Mixed Cost Basis Rule Details.
You see the Delete Mixed Cost Basis Rule Details panel.Complete the options on the Delete Mixed Cost Basis Rule Details panel.
Click Submit.
You see the mixed cost basis rule details that met your criteria in the Show All tab.Select the row for each mixed cost basis rule details you want to delete so that a check mark appears in the Select column, and click Delete Mixed Basis Rule Details.
You see a row for each mixed cost basis rule details you selected. The fields describing the rule are locked, and are for information only.Click Submit to delete the selected mixed cost basis rule details.
You can then select the Create Mixed Cost Basis Rule Details option to re-use the Mixed Basis Rule name and add a different set of attributes.