Create Entity Price Overrides

Create Entity Price Overrides

In the Create Entity Price Override panel, you can manually override a price for a specific entity, security, and a specific date. 

To create an entity price override:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Portfolio Setup > Entities > Create Entity Price Override.
    You see the Create Entity Price Override panel.

  2. Complete the fields on the panel.

  3. Click Submit.
    You see the Status Window dialog box, which confirms that the request completed.

  4. Click OK.

Create Entity Price Override Panel Options

The following table lists the fields and field descriptions for the Create Entity Price Override panel.





Entity Details


Exception Processing Switch

Indicates whether you want to update market values in Eagle PACE. Options include:

  • Do not Update Market Value in PACE. Default.

  • Update Market Value in PACE. If you select the Update Market Value in PACE option and a new price arrives after transferring the accounting data to Eagle PACE, you must run the Price or FX Rate Exceptions Processing process to update Eagle PACE. For more information, see Update Positions and Open Lots.

Entity ID

Specifies the entity identifier for a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund.

Entity Name

Specifies the entity by the name of the entity.

Security Details


Asset ID Type

Specifies the primary asset identifier type for the security. For example, CUSIP, ISIN, or SEDOL.

Asset ID

Specifies the primary asset identifier for the security.

Issue Name

Specifies the name of the security.

Price Override Details


Effective Date

Specifies the effective date of the transaction. The entity price override is only valid for the specified effective date. The default is today's date.

Value Positions at Cost

Indicates whether you want to price positions at cost. Options include:

  • Do Not Price Positions at Cost. If you select this option, the Price field unhides.

  • Price Positions at Cost. 

Source Name

Specifies the source of the price data.


Specifies the override price. This field appears if you set the Value Positions at Cost field to Do Not Price Positions at Cost.

Price Level

Specifies the FAS 157 override price level. Options include 1, 2, and 3.