Manage Entity Price Overrides
The price in the Eagle data warehouse PRICE table is an enterprise wide value for a given source. Under certain conditions, for a given entity and security, you may want to deviate from this price. The Entity Price Override panels allow you to manually override a price for a specific entity and a specific date.
Eagle Accounting stores the price override in the ENTITY_CHANGE table in the RULES database. STAR to PACE Direct retrieves the price override and uses the value when calculating market values in Eagle PACE. The Entity Price Override record has priority over any price in the PRICE table. If STAR to PACE Direct does not find a price in the ENTITY_CHANGE table, it then uses the price in the PRICE table, if available.
In this section
If you set the Price Date Switch field (tag 9981) to Recent on the panel used to transfer data in Batch or Delta mode, the system does not check the ENTITY_CHANGE table for prior dates. The Recent option remains available for a price in the PRICE table.