Delete Price or FX Rate Exceptions
The Delete Price or FX Rate Exception panel allows you to delete individual price or FX rate exceptions from the PRICE_FX_EXCEPTION table in the HOLDING database.
Eagle recommends that you use the Purge and Archive Utility for system maintenance of the Price and FX Rate exception table. You can use the Delete Price or FX Rate Exceptions panel to manage individual records before you start the update procedure.
To delete from a list of price or FX rate exceptions:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Admin > STAR to PACE Maintenance > Delete Price or FX Rate Exception.
You see the Delete Price or FX Rate Exception panel.Specify the criteria for the price or FX rate exceptions that you want to delete.
Other than the Partition Number, all fields are optional.Under Result Options, in the Format area, click Grid for the report view.
Click Submit.
You see the exceptions that met your criteria in the Show All tab.Select the row for each price or FX rate exception that you want to delete so that a check mark appears, and click Delete Exception Records.
You see each price or FX rate exception you selected in the Delete Exception Records tab. All fields other than the Partition field are locked and you cannot change them.Click Submit to delete the displayed price or FX rate exceptions.
The system deletes the records from the PRICE_FX_EXCEPTION table. You see the Status Window dialog box, which confirms that the request completed.Click OK.
Delete Price or FX Rate Exception Panel Options
The following table lists the fields and field descriptions for the Delete Price or FX Rate Exception panel.
Option | Description |
Select Exception Records to Delete |
Entity ID | Specifies the entity identifier for a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund. |
Entity Name | Specifies the entity by the name of the entity. |
Acctg Basis | Specifies the accounting basis for the entity. For example, USTAX, GAAP, or IFRS. |
Long/Short | Specifies whether the position is long or short. |
Xref Type | Specifies the security cross reference type. |
Xref Security ID | Specifies the security cross reference identifier. |
Primary Asset ID | Specifies the primary asset identifier. |
Issue Name | Specifies the issue name. |
Effective Date | Specifies the effective date. |
Pricing Source | Specifies the pricing source. |
Exchange Rate Source | Specifies the source of the exchange rate. |
Update Date | Specifies the last time information updated. |
Price FX Flag | Specifies the type of rate exception. Options include Price and FX. |
Price Method | Specifies the method Eagle Accounting uses to price short term debt instruments. Options include Cost and Market. |
Value PACE Position at Cost | Determines whether to value the prices at cost. Options include Yes and No. |
Partition Number | Specifies the database partition. This value is automatically established by a lookup based on the specific entity. |