Rebuild the Delta Trigger Log

Rebuild the Delta Trigger Log

The Rebuild Delta Trigger Log panel rebuilds the Delta Trigger Log for a given post date. If you are having problems with a given post date, this option allows you to copy the accounting data to Eagle PACE again.

Ideally, you should rebuild the Delta Trigger Log for the current post date and before any processing begins on the following post date. If you rebuild the Delta Trigger Log for a prior post date, you run the risk of inserting records, with a cancel status of N, that have been cancelled on a later post date.

To rebuild the Delta Trigger log:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Admin > STAR to PACE Maintenance > Rebuild Delta Trigger Log.
    You see the Rebuild Delta Trigger Log panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Rebuild Delta Trigger Log panel.

  3. Click Submit.
    You see the Status Window dialog box that shows whether the rebuild log request was completed for each event id. 

  4. Click OK to close the window and click Close to exit.
    You rebuilt the Delta Trigger log for the post date specified.

Rebuild Delta Trigger Log Panel Options

The following table lists the fields and field descriptions for the Rebuild Delta Trigger Log panel.





Rebuild S2P Direct Trigger Log


Post Date

Specifies the post date for your report result. For example, enter today's date.

Accounting Date

Specifies the accounting date for your report result.

Event Type

Displays the event type value REBUILD_DELTA_TRIGGER_LOG.


Specifies the database partition for the position. This value is automatically established by a lookup based on the specific entity.

Entity Parameters


Entity ID

Specifies the entity identifier for a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund.

Entity Name

Specifies the entity by the name of the entity.

Accounting Basis

Specifies the accounting basis for the entity. For example, USTAX, GAAP, or IFRS.

Position Parameters


Issue Name

Specifies the issue name.

Issue Symbol

Specifies the issue symbol.

Primary Asset ID

Specifies the primary asset identifier.

Asset Currency

Displays the asset currency.

Long/Short Indicator

Specifies whether the position is long or short.