Update Positions and Open Lots

Update Positions and Open Lots

The Price or Foreign Exchange (FX) Rate Exceptions Processing process updates positions and open lots in Eagle PACE. This process is helpful when you transfer accounting data to Eagle PACE and later add or change a price or foreign exchange rate.

This process is the same set of valuation calculations used in the STAR to PACE Direct Batch and Delta processes. The calculations have been externalized to a database stored procedure for post STAR to PACE Direct processing.

You must run the Revalue Positions and Open Lots process after adding or changing a price or foreign exchange rate. For more information, see Revalue Positions and Open Lots.

To update positions and open lots after adding or changing prices/FX rates:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes.
    You see the Global Process workspace.

  2. In the left navigation, click STAR to PACE Direct Processing > Run Price or FX Rate Exception Processing.
    You see the Run Price or FX Rate Exception Processing panel.

  3. Complete the options on the Run Price or FX Rate Exception Processing panel.

  4. Click Submit.
    You see the Status window with the status of your request.

  5. Click Print to print the status information. Or, click OK to close the Status window.
    You see the Global Processing Results in the bottom pane. The Summary tab shows the event types associated with your request, along with a batch identifier. The Detail tab shows the processing status for each event.

Run Price or FX Rate Exception Processing Panel Options

The following table lists the fields and field descriptions for the Run Price or FX Rate Exception Processing panel.





Search Criteria


Event Type

Displays the event type value GEN_SPD_PRICE_FX.

Position Valuation Election

Specifies the price used by S2P. Options include:

  • Default. Use the latest price available.

  • Valuation Price. Used by appropriate STAR valuation process.

Partition Number

Specifies the database partition for the position.