Transfer Data for a Single Position Using the S2P Delta Mode

Transfer Data for a Single Position Using the S2P Delta Mode

In the Transfer Data - Delta Manual panel, you can run the STAR to PACE Delta process for just a single position: accounting basis, entity, asset, long/short, without any change in STAR activity. You can submit a single event to update the Eagle data warehouse tables for a start date without changing any STAR data or submitting multiple batch messages.

To transfer accounting data using the S2P Delta mode:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes.
    You see the Global Process workspace.

  2. In the left navigation, click STAR to PACE Direct Processing > Transfer Data – Delta Manual.
    You see the Transfer Data - Delta Manual panel.

  3. Complete the options on the Transfer Data - Delta Manual panel.

  4. Click Submit.
    You see the Status window with the status of your request.

  5. Click Print to print the status information. Or, click OK to close the Status window.
    You see the Global Processing Results in the bottom pane. The Summary tab shows the event types associated with your request, along with a batch identifier. The Detail tab shows the processing status for each event.

Transfer Data – Delta Manual Panel Options

The following table lists the fields and field descriptions for the Transfer Data – Delta Manual panel.





Entity Information


Entity ID

Specifies the entity identifier for a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund.

Entity Name

Specifies the entity by the name of the entity.

Accounting Basis

Specifies the accounting basis associated with data.

Start Date

Specifies the start date.

Date Type

Specifies the delta date type. Options include:

  • Accounting Date (Default). The system assigns the accounting date record a source of STARDIRECT (or one of the secondary accounting bases).

  • Post Date. The system assigns the trade date record a source of PSTARDIRECT.

  • Trade Date. The system assigns the trade date record a source of TSTARDIRECT.

  • Settlement Date. The system assigns the settlement date record a source of SSTARDIRECT.

  • Monthly Accounting Date. The system assigns the month end date record a source of MSTARDIRECT.

Security Information


Long/Short Indicator

Specifies whether the position is long or short.

Issue Name

Specifies the issue name for the security.


Specifies the cross reference type for the xref ID.

Xref Type

Specifies the cross reference type for the xref ID.

Xref ID

Specifies the cross reference security identifier.

Asset ID

Displays the asset identifier, the internal number assigned to each asset.

Event Type

Displays the event value USER_INS_DELTA_TRIGGER_LOG. This field is hidden.