Understand Useful Queries, Logs, and Overrides
STAR to PACE Direct provides several useful panels for viewing/maintaining tables, logs, price exceptions, and price overrides. You can:
View tables in Eagle PACE
Maintain Delta Trigger Logs and Prices/FX Rates Exceptions
Maintain Entity Price Overrides
View Tables in Eagle PACE
The Eagle data warehouse queries provide views of tables data, including views of positions based on transaction dates, such as the accounting date, trade date, settlement date, post date, and month end date. You can query general ledger balances and settled cash activity. For detailed information about each query, see View Accounting Data in the Eagle Data Warehouse.
Use these queries when you are investigating an issue with STAR to PACE Direct. They return only the stored data. No calculations are performed. If the queries described in this section do not display results data the way you prefer, you can create a custom profile that customizes the view of results.
To access the Eagle PACE queries:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports > System Queries.
In the left navigation, click STAR to PACE Direct. Or, for archive queries, click Archive.
You see the options for the available panels.Select the option for the panel you want to use.
The following table lists the query name, query description, and the database tables populated by S2P for each available query.
Query | Description | Database | Database Table |
Displays performance returns. | PERFORM | PERF_SEC_RETURNS | |
Displays the list of PACE dictionaries. | RULES | DICTIONARIES | |
Displays position level data. | HOLDING | POSITION | |
Displays lot level holdings data. This includes the individual open lots created by Eagle Accounting for each position. | HOLDING | LOT_LEVEL_POSITION | |
Displays trade details from the Trades tables. | TRADES | TRADE | |
Displays the individual close lots created by Eagle Accounting, including the individual gain/ loss for each close lot. | TRADES | DISPOSAL_LOTS | |
Displays individual cash activity data from the Cash Activity table. | CASH | CASH_ACTIVITY | |
Displays the individual settled cost cash open lots from the settled cash open lots table. | HOLDING | SETTLED_CASH_OPEN_ LOTS | |
Displays the individual settled cash activity records from the Settled Cash Activity table. | TRADES | SETTLED_CASH_ACTIVITY | |
Displays the individual settled cash activity disposal lots from the Settled Cash Disposal Lot table. | TRADES | SETTLED_CASH_DISP LOTS | |
Displays the daily or monthly general ledger account balances from the General Ledger Detail Posting table and provides security details from the Security Master table. | LEDGER | GL_DETAIL_POSTING | |
Interest Income Table query | No longer supported. | Do not use |
Maintain S2P Delta Trigger Logs and Prices/FX Rates Exceptions
You can query the Delta Trigger logs for information on the status and the number of transactions involved in the S2P Delta process. You can also rebuild the logs and maintain prices and FX rate exceptions.
To maintain the S2P Delta Trigger logs or Price and FX Rates Exceptions:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Admin > STAR to PACE Maintenance.
You see the list of panels available.
Select the panel you want to use.
For detailed instructions about the options available for querying/rebuilding the Delta Trigger logs and maintaining the prices and FX rates exception information, see Perform Data Maintenance.
The following table lists the query name and query description for each available list type query.
Query | Description |
Displays delta log information at the summary level | |
Displays delta log information at the detail level | |
Displays prices or FX rate exceptions |
Maintain Entity Price Overrides
You can maintain entity price overrides, including adding, changing, and deleting price overrides at the entity level. The price in the Eagle data warehouse is an enterprise wide value for a given source. Under certain conditions, for a given entity, you may want to deviate from this price.
For detailed information about the Entity Price Override options available for maintaining entity price overrides, see Add Entity Price Overrides, Delete an Entity Price Override, and Edit Entity Price Overrides.