View General Ledger Balances

View General Ledger Balances

The Eagle PACE General Ledger Balance Table Query allows you to research general ledger account balances transferred by STAR to PACE Direct based on data stored in the GL Detail Posting table in the LEDGER database in the Eagle data warehouse. This report provides balance information from the GL_DETAIL_POSTING table as well as security details from the SECURITY_MASTER table.

To report Eagle PACE GL Balances in the Eagle data warehouse:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports > System Queries > STAR to PACE Direct > Eagle PACE General Ledger Balance Table Query.
    You see the Eagle PACE General Ledger Balance Table Query panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Eagle PACE General Ledger Balance Table Query panel.

  3. Click Submit.

Eagle PACE General Ledger Balance Table Query Panel Options

The following table lists the fields and field descriptions for the Eagle PACE General Ledger Balance Table Query panel.





Entity Parameters


Entity ID

Specifies the entity identifier for a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund.

Entity Name

Specifies the entity by the name of the entity.

Position Parameters


Issue Name

Specifies the issue name for your report result.

Issue Symbol

Specifies the issue symbol for your report result.

Primary Asset ID

Specifies the primary asset ID for your report result.

Asset Currency

Specifies the currency in which the security is priced for your report result.

Xref Security ID

Specifies the cross reference security ID for your report result.

Xref Type

Specifies the cross reference type for your report result.

Run Options


Event Type

Displays the event type value GL_DETAIL_POSTING_QRY. Typically, this field is hidden.


Specifies the source.

End Date

Specifies the date associated with general ledger balances to include in the report. The default is today's date.
For daily balances, this is the accounting date. For monthly balances, this is the month end date.

Syncsend Engine Router

(Hidden) Indicates whether the system uses the Accounting engine or a report service to process the report results. Options include:

  • RPT. Default. If you enable use of report services, the system processes the panel using the related report service. Report services offer improved report performance. Otherwise, if you do not enable use of report services, the system processes the panel using the Accounting engine.

  • Null value or a value other than RPT. The system processes the panel using the Accounting engine.