Create Overrides for Non-Admitted Due and Accrued Income
To create overrides for non-admitted due and accrued income:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Insurance > Non-Admitted > Create Non-Admitted Override.
You see the Create Non-Admitted Override panel.In the Override Type list, select Security Due & Accrued.
See the following figure.Select the specific Month End Accounting Date, Entity, Asset, and Lot position to override for schedules and reports.
You identify the lot position by the open_event_id that corresponds to the trade.You must specify values for both the Non-Admitted Due & Accrued Income (tag 10622) and Admitted Due & Accrued Income (tag 10623) fields.
Click Submit to add the override.
The system sets the due_admit_switch (tag 10585) to O in the ISTAR.LOT_VALUATION table, indicating the presence of an NAI override. It retains NAI override data for audit purposes.