Create Overrides for Non-Admitted Due and Accrued Income

Create Overrides for Non-Admitted Due and Accrued Income

To create overrides for non-admitted due and accrued income:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Insurance > Non-Admitted > Create Non-Admitted Override.
    You see the Create Non-Admitted Override panel.

  2. In the Override Type list, select Security Due & Accrued.
    See the following figure.

    Create Non Admitted Override for Security Due and Accrued
  3. Select the specific Month End Accounting Date, Entity, Asset, and Lot position to override for schedules and reports.
    You identify the lot position by the open_event_id that corresponds to the trade.

  4. You must specify values for both the Non-Admitted Due & Accrued Income (tag 10622) and Admitted Due & Accrued Income (tag 10623) fields.

  5. Click Submit to add the override.
    The system sets the due_admit_switch (tag 10585) to O in the ISTAR.LOT_VALUATION table, indicating the presence of an NAI override. It retains NAI override data for audit purposes.