Confirm Cash on Deposits Capture for an Entity

Confirm Cash on Deposits Capture for an Entity

You can ensure that Cash on Deposit is captured for an entity for use with the Schedule E – Part 1 – Cash by inspecting the value of the entity's Store Cash Positions in PACE field (tag 5563). You must set this field to Yes for Cash on Deposit capture. If the field is not set to Yes, you can use the Create/Edit Entity panel to change the field value to Yes.

The following table lists the tag number and description for the field.







Store Cash Positions In PACE


(Required) This field indicates whether the STAR/PACE integration procedure exports the entity's cash positions from STAR to PACE. Options include:

  • No. Default. The STAR/PACE integration procedure does not export cash position records from STAR to PACE. If your organization does not need currency balances, select this value to improve efficiency.

  • Yes. The STAR/PACE integration procedure exports the cash position records from STAR to PACE and stores the cash balances in the position detail table in the Data Warehouse. If you use Eagle Performance, select Yes.