Build Interpreted NAIC Designations using an Internal Source

Build Interpreted NAIC Designations using an Internal Source

You can also use the Interpreted Crediting Ratings Process panel to interpret security designations utilizing an internal ratings source. This allows you to input a source with available credit ratings that exist in the database other than the predetermined agencies listed in Table 5, Rating Agency Code Values, above. In order to use an Internal Source, the source values and their NAIC Designation equivalents must be added to the Ratings/NAIC Designation Translation table.

To perform the Interpreted Credit Rating process for a SVO Company Code using an internal source:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Insurance > Processing > Build Insurance Data > Build Interpreted Credit Ratings.
    You see the Build Interpreted Credit Ratings panel.

  2. In the Ratings Source list, click Internal Source.

  3. In the Source Name lookup, select the internal rating source.
    See the following figure.

    Build Interpreted Credit Ratings panel - Internal Source
  4. Complete the options on the Build Interpreted Credit Ratings panel.

  5. Click Submit.
    Upon execution of the Interpreted process for an internal source, the system inserts a record in the ISTAR NAIC table for each security where it can derive an internal designation. It inserts the record with a Source of 4, EAGLE PACE, indicating that it is an internal designation, an Effective Date equal to the date for which the process was run, and a designation with prefix and suffix as appropriate.

The following table describes key options on the panel.






Process Run By

SVO Company Code. Options includes: SVO Company Code or Client

SVO Company Code

Enter SVO Company Code here. There is no lookup for this field. Interpreted credit rating created by the process will be stored in the database with the SVO company code entered. Any Client ID's that are set up with the same SVO company code that the process was run will utilize the interpreted ratings created through the process when an ISTAR Refresh/Valuation has been run.

Ratings Source

Options include: Rating Agencies or Internal Source.

Set to Internal Source. 

Source Name

Specifies the name of the internal source. This field appears only if you set the Rating Source field to Internal Source.

Process Period

Process As-of Date

Specifies the effective date for the interpreted designations. Designations are derived for securities being held or having activity during the current month, as defined by the Start Date, End Date, and Current Month End Date fields.