Generate Cash Projections for ISTAR

Generate Cash Projections for ISTAR

The Cash Projections Viewer (CPV) provides ISTAR with projections of future principal payments to support Schedule D – Part 1A – Section 1 and Section 2.

You can use Eagle Accounting's Cash Projections Viewer to manually generate cash projections for an individual entity or entity list on an ad hoc basis. You can also schedule the Cash Projections Viewer through Automation Center.
Considerations for using the Cash Projections Viewer application include:

  • ISTAR Refresh/Valuation must be run prior to requesting the Cash Projections because the Cash Projection (for Insurance) utilizes ISTAR_LOT_POSITION tables data to perform an "as of" cash projection based on positions held as of the specified accounting period month end date.

  • The Cash Projection process is performed normally after the ISTAR Accounting Period has been frozen; however, you can perform CPV at any time after the ISTAR data has been built.

  • ISTAR Refresh/Valuation automatically pulls Cash Projection data for the specified Accounting Period Month End Date, and loads the ISTAR_OSFAST table in the ISTAR database.

  • Cash Projection data (for Insurance) can be pushed to ISTAR at any time following the initial execution if the cash projection was previously performed; however, a rerun of the Cash Projection is required if any lot position balances change.

To generate cash projections for the Export to ISTAR function:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports > Cash Projections Viewer.
    You see the Cash Projections Viewer workspace.

  2. On the Cash Projections Viewer tab, in the General group, click Create New.
    You see the Create Projections page.

    Create Projections page
  3. Complete the options for the cash projection.
    - Enter an entity ID or an entity list.
    - Establish Report Start Date equal to the Accounting Period Month End date.
    - Select ISTAR as the Position option. When you select the ISTAR Position option, the system automatically establishes all other Cash Projections module parameters.

  4. Click Save.
    You see the results in the Cash Projections Viewer workspace. After you successfully create the projections, you must export them to the ISTAR database.

  5. From the results window there are two ways to export to ISTAR. Do one of the following:
    - On the Cash Projections Viewer tab, in the Actions group, click Action Rules, and then click Export to ISTAR.
    - Right-click the result row in the grid, and then click Export to ISTAR.

    Cash Projections Viewer - Export to ISTAR option

    You see the Export to ISTAR panel.

  6. In the Effective Date field, enter the month-end date of the projections. 

  7. Click Submit.
    The system inserts the insurance cash projections in the ISTAR.ISTAR_CASHFLOW table. It augments the CPV projection data with NAIC designations, SVO Codes, and Book/Adjusted Carrying Value of the positions via this export process.