NAIC Control Reports

NAIC Control Reports

You can access NAIC control reports in Eagle Insurance using the left navigation pane options under Accounting Center > Insurance > Control Reports > NAIC.

NAIC Designation Control Report

The NAIC Designation Control report displays the NAIC Prefix, NAIC Suffix, and NAIC Designation for the open positions on Schedule D1, Schedule D21, Schedule DA1, Schedule E1, and Schedule E2. When no designation exists for the report date, the most recent designation for the asset and the client is used. You can submit the report for All Assets or for Exceptions. If submitted for Exceptions, only assets that do not have a designation for the report date are displayed.

NAIC Market Indicator Control Report

The NAIC Market Indicator Control report displays the NAIC Market Indicator for open positions on Schedule D22. When no designation exists for the report date, the most recent designation is displayed. You can submit the report for All Assets or for Exceptions. If submitted for Exceptions, only assets that do not have a designation for the report date are displayed.

Designation/Market Indicator Report

The NAIC Designation/Market Indicator Comparison – By Source report displays all assets for a client or entity that have a discrepancy between the NAIC Designation or Market Indicator assigned for each of two sources for a given effective date.

Interpreted Credit Ratings Report

The Interpreted Credit Ratings report lists the credit ratings assigned by up to six credit rating vendors (NRSRO), the NAIC credit rating, and an interpreted credit rating STAR Insurance calculates. Eagle Insurance interprets an NAIC credit rating, based on the second highest vendor rating for each applicable position. The report highlights any variance between NAIC rating and Interpreted NAIC rating, and provides the dates for each rating. The following sources are supported on the report, when established in Eagle STAR as valid sources:

  • SP



  • DBRS





Fair Value Measurement Report

The NAIC Fair Value Measurement reports display the fair value measurement for holdings based on the fair value hierarchy, for a quarterly or annual period. You can use the Report Name (tag 55) option on the report panel to select several level reports, by lot or position: 

  • Fair Value Levels – Holdings Report. Displays holding for each fair value hierarchy level – 1, 2 and 3.

  • Fair Value Level 1 – 2 Transfers. Displays all transfers between fair value hierarchy levels 1 and 2.

  • Fair Value Level 3 Recon. Displays a reconciliation of the opening balances to the closing balances of all securities that had Level 3 pricing during the reporting period.