Exception Reports

Exception Reports

You can access ISTAR exception reports in Eagle Insurance using the left navigation pane options under Accounting Center > Insurance > Control Reports > Exceptions.

Exception reports include:

  • Preliminary Data Validation Query

  • Category/Country Control Report

  • Pricing Control Report

Preliminary Data Validation Query

The Preliminary Data Validation Query identifies securities that do not have a price assigned for the report date or securities that may not have sufficiently accurate SVO Category and Subcategory assignments for placement on the Insurance schedules (DKs). The query uses the open positions in the PACE warehouse as of the report data as the data set and is devised as a precursor to the refresh process, to allow for data validation before building Insurance data.

Category/Country Control Report

The Category/Country Control report displays security reference information related to the country and Securities Valuation Office (SVO) categories for all positions and activity of an Entity or Client. The purpose of the report is not only to provide the reference information for securities, but also to highlight instances where the data varies between the current position and the year-to-date activity.

Pricing Control Report

The Pricing Control report displays the pricing information for the selected Pricing Source, for open positions. The report may be created for All Assets or for Exceptions. If submitted for Exceptions, only assets that do not have a price for the report date are displayed.