Cash Tender/Calls/Puts/Refund/Credit Event Panel Options

In the Cash Tender/Calls/Puts/Refund/Credit Event panel, when you process corporate actions for cash tenders, calls, puts, pre-refunds, and credit events globally, you can select various options based on the requirements of your business. 







Tender/Calls/Puts/Refund/Credit Event

Select Query Option


Allows you to show/hide additional query filters to run the corporate actions. The system displays additional fields depending on your selection. Options include::

  • One Entity/One Security

  • One Entity/All Securities

  • All Entities/One Security

  • All Entities/All Securities

Entity Information

Entity ID


Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. This field appears if you select a query option for one entity.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity. This field appears if you select a query option for one entity.

Security Information

Asset ID Type


Specifies the primary asset identifier type for the security, such as CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL. This field appears if you select a query option for one security.

Asset ID


Specifies the identification number of the primary asset ID type for the security. This field appears if you select a query option for one security.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security. This field appears if you select a query option for one security.

Sweep Dates

Corporate Action Begin Sweep Date


Specifies the earliest sweep date to use for processing corporate actions.

The corporate action announcement's sweep date identifies the date that the global processes use to extract the corporate action for processing at the global level and apply it to eligible entities/holdings. For voluntary corporate action elections that use expiry date processing, the sweep date uses the expiration date +1.

Corporate Action End Sweep Date


Specifies the last sweep date to use for processing corporate actions.

Accounting Date

Specific Accounting Date


Specifies a Specific Accounting Date for the corporate action processing transaction. If this field has a null value, Eagle Accounting applies the accounting date logic for the portfolio.

Entity Attributes

Batch Fetch Limit


Specifies the maximum number of events to submit to the engine at one time. The default is 200.

Conversion Value


Specifies the entity's conversion value. You can use this option to restrict processing to entities in certain conversion statuses. If the value is null, the system runs processing for entities with all conversion statuses. This field appears if you select All Entities in the Select Query Option field.

Process Center


Specifies the entity's process center. You can use this option to restrict processing to entities in certain process centers. If the value is null, the system runs processing for entities with all process centers. This field appears if you select All Entities in the Select Query Option field.

Exchange Rate Source


Specifies the pricing source the system uses for pricing foreign exchange rates for the entity/accounting basis. You can use this field to restrict processing to entities with certain exchange rate sources. If the value for this field is null, Eagle Accounting runs processing for all exchange rate sources. This field appears if you select All Entities in the Select Query Option field.

Security Attributes



Specifies a region for securities classified by a customized region code based on the Exchange Region code category. You can use this option to restrict processing to certain regions. If the value is null, Eagle Accounting runs processing for all regions. This field appears if you select All Securities in the Select Query Option field.

Processing Security Type


Specifies a processing security type (PST). You can use this option to restrict processing to securities with a certain PST. If the value is null, the system runs for all PST codes. The lookup shows debt (DB) and equity (EQ) PST codes. This field appears if you select All Securities in the Select Query Option field.

Domestic/Foreign Indicator

Domestic/Foreign Processing Indicator


Specifies the type of positions you are processing. Options include:

  • Domestic Only (Local Currency = Base Currency). Domestic positions only.

  • Foreign Only (Local Currency Not = Base Currency). Foreign positions only.

  • All (Domestic and Foreign). Domestic and foreign positions.



Specifies the entity partition code. This field appears when you select All Entities in the Select Query Option field.