Cancel Corporate Actions
Using the Global Processes panels, you can cancel corporate actions. If a corporate action is in a Released status and needs to be modified or cancelled, you need to set up a separate cancel corporate action announcement and process it globally.
If a corporate action is not in a Released status, it can be modified or deleted without setting up a separate action.
About Corporate Action Cancels
If you query for the cancel announcement in the List Corporate Action Announcement panel, the cancellation action transaction is displayed along with the original announcement transaction, as shown in the following figure. In this scenario, a stock dividend announcement was set to a Released status and processed globally. If this action is determined to be in error, then a cancel announcement is also created and set up in a Released status.
Run Corporate Action Cancels
Creating the cancel of a corporate action does not automatically reverse/cancel the activity from the original action – the cancellation action must be processed using global processing. The Cancel Global Corporate Action Announcements panel resides in Accounting Center > Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes > Corporate Actions.
To process the cancellation announcement, open the Cancel Global Corporate Action Announcements panel and complete the following options:
Select Query Option. As with all Global jobs, you have the following choices in which to run the process:
– One Entity/One Security
– One Entity/All Securities
– All Entities/One Security
– All Entities/All Securities
If the One Entity or One Security options are selected, you must enter the specific Entity ID and/or Security Identifier field values.
If the All Entities options are selected, an additional field where you can enter the Process Center becomes visible. You can enter the Process Center ID field value to only process for the accounts assigned to that Process Center.Corporate Action Begin Sweep Date Option and Corporate Action End Sweep Date Option. Enter the specific date or date range for the process to query for and apply any actions.
NOTE: Announcements that are processed are cancellations in the Released status and have a sweep date within the selected date range.Specific Accounting Date. Enter the specific accounting date to run the cancellation process.
Click Submit to initiate the process.
View Corporate Action Cancel Results
When the cancellation process completes, the global panel displays the results of the job.
In Position Viewer, you can view the results of the cancelled stock dividend in the Cancel Open Adjust tab of the Cost object.
If the global cancellation job is only run for one entity, the system only cancels/reverses the original corporate action for that one entity.
Also, be aware that as is the case with processing "regular" corporate actions, the successful processing of the cancellation event is also dependent upon the sweep date that is entered for the announcement. The sweep date can be different than the ex-date of the announcement, so when processing cancellations with global processing, you may need to expand the date range that is entered.
After the cancellation global job completes, and the system successfully cancels/reverses the application of the original action; if you view both the cancellation and original announcement in the List Corporate Action Announcements panel, you see that the original announcement's status changed to a value of CL (Closed).
If a backdated trade for this security is booked, the system will not process either the original announcement or the cancellation.