Create Calls/Puts/Refund Panel Options

Create Calls/Puts/Refund Panel Options

In the Create Calls/Puts/Refund panel, when you add a corporate action announcement for a call, put, or principal repayment, you can select various options based on the requirements of your business. Note options may vary according to your selections. 







Lookup Security Information

Client Specific CA ID


Specifies the client specific identifier for the corporate action.

Source Name


Specifies the source name for the corporate action. The default value is Eagle PACE.

Original Source Name


Specifies the original source name for the security.

Asset ID Type


Specifies the primary asset identifier type for the security, such as CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL.

Asset ID


Specifies the primary asset identifier of the security.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security.

Maturity Date


Displays the maturity date of the security.

Call Flag


Displays the security's Call Flag value, which indicates whether the security has a Call option. This value must be set to Y to add a call corporate action.

Put Flag


Displays the security's Put Flag value, which indicates whether the security has a put option. This value must be set to Y to add a put corporate action.

Muni Refunding Indicator


Displays the security's Refund Indicator value, which indicates whether the security is eligible for pre-refunding, an entire issue call, or a mandatory put. Options include:

  • None (N). Not applicable.

  • Pre-Refunded (R). The security is eligible for pre-refunding.

  • Entire Issue Call (C). The call option for the security applies to the entire issue.

  • Mandatory Put (P). The put option for the security is mandatory.

Lottery Flag


Displays the security's Lottery Flag value, which identifies whether the security is designed as an MBS lottery bond security. Options include Yes and No. The system processes the repayment of principal for lottery bonds as voluntary calls rather than as paydowns. For more information, see "MBS Lottery Bonds".

Private Placement


Displays the security's Private Placement field value, A value of Y indicates that the security is a private placement. In order to add an announcement with a CA_CASH_CLOSE transaction type in this panel, a security must have its Call Flag, Put Flag, Muni Refunding Indicator, Lottery Flag, or Private Placement field set to Y.

Accounting Details

Trans Type


This hidden field displays the transaction type that the system uses to process the transaction. For example, CA_CASH_CLOSE.

Sweep Date


Specifies the date that the global processes use to extract the corporate action for processing at the global level and apply it to eligible entities/holdings.

Ex Date


Specifies the ex-date of the corporate action. The ex-date is the entitlement date of the corporate action. Ex-date is equal to the Trade Date of the corporate action.

Expiry Date


Specifies the expiration date of voluntary corporate actions associated with the announcement. For entities that use expiry date processing, the system can process voluntary corporate actions based on expiration date +1. The system can sweep corporate actions in a Released status using the announcement's expiry date for voluntary elections that use expiry date processing. During global processing, expiration date +1 serves as the sweep date in place of the announcement's Sweep Date value.

Record Date


Specifies the record date of the corporate action.

Announcement Date


Specifies the announcement date of the corporate action.

Pay Date


Specifies the pay date of the corporate action. The pay date is the settlement date of the corporate action.

Treatment of Fractional Shares


Specifies how the system treats fractional shares for the corporate action. A fractional share is less than a single share of stock. Options include:

  • Round Down. The system rounds the fractional share entitlement down to zero decimals. No fractional shares are created.

  • Post Fractional Shares. The system posts the fractional share entitlement, calculating the amount to two decimal places.

  • Round Up. The system rounds the fractional share entitlement up to the next whole number. No fractional shares are created.

  • European. The system calculates the fractional share entitlement as follows: 1. Divides the position by the divisor, 2. Drops the decimals on the number that is calculated, 3. Multiplies the whole number by the multiplier.

  • Round to Nearest Whole Share. The system rounds the fractional shares to the nearest number of whole shares. If the calculated entitlement is greater than or equal to 0.50, the system rounds the fractional shares up to the next whole share. If the calculated entitlement is less than or equal to 0.49, the system drops the fractional shares. If you select this option, you see the Rounding Point field.

Rounding Point.


Identifies the rounding point used if you round fractional shares to the nearest number of whole shares

Corporate Action Status


Indicates if the corporate action is correct and ready for processing. Options include:

  • Incomplete. The record is not confirmed to be correct, or is not confirmed.

  • Pending. The record is fully populated and is awaiting release status.

  • Released. The record is complete and is ready for processing.

  • Completed. The record was processed through a global process.

Corporate Action Sub Priority


Determines the order in which to process the corporate action when multiple corporate actions have the same Effective Date. Corporate action priority is from low to high; that is, an event with a corporate action priority of 1 is processed prior to an event with a corporate action priority of 10. The default value is 1.

Mandatory/Voluntary Indicator


Indicates whether the corporate action is mandatory or voluntary. Options include:

  • Mandatory. The corporate action is required by the issuer and applies to all entities.

  • Voluntary. The corporate action is at the decision of the holder of the securities, or the issuer requires the action but there are different accounting options available to the holder of the security. You must set up a voluntary corporate action with the number of shares, or percentage of shares, participating in the election.

Rate Information

Rate of Action (Cash)


Specifies the price of the call, put, or pre-refunded option. This is the transaction price.

Cash Currency


Specifies the cash currency in which the corporate action pays. This value is similar to the trade's Settlement Currency. Eagle Accounting generates the proceeds of the corporate action transaction based on the combination of the Cash Currency and Rate of Action. By default you see the asset currency of the security.

Share Percent


Percentage of holdings to be sold as part of a Principal Repayment corporate action. The value must be greater than zero and not exceed 1.0. For term loan principal repayments, this represents the ratio of the repayment amount to the Facility level global amount prior to the repayment.

Corporate Action Type


Identifies the business name for the corporate action. Options include:

  • Call. An option, but not an obligation, for the issuer to repurchase a bond or part of a bond on a given date, at a certain price.

  • Principal Repayment. Used to process principal repayments. The Principal Repayment corporate action is based on the Call corporate action and uses the same event type, CA_CASH_CLOSE. Its main difference from the Call is that it allows you to specify a percentage of holdings that are closed as part of a mandatory call or principal repayment corporate action. For information about using the Create Principal Repayment panel to add a corporate action announcement for term loans, see the Term Loans User Guide.

  • Put. An option, but not an obligation, for the holder of the security to sell back the bond or part of the bond to the issuer of the debt security on a certain date, at a certain price.

Corporate Action Notes


Specifies user-defined information about the corporate action.

Income/Prepayment Fee Treatment


Indicates whether the selected call or principal repayment is eligible for the system to apply the income/prepayment fee treatment. The income/payment fee treatment supports the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) accounting requirements relating to prepayment penalties, acceleration fees, and make-whole call provision fees on bonds. The system applies this accounting treatment during corporate action processing only if the transaction's accounting basis also has the Income/Prepayment Fee Treatment field set to enable processing for selected type of corporate action. This field appear only if you set the Corporate Action Type field to Call or Principal Repayment. Options include:

  • Call. Indicates the system can apply the NAIC income/prepayment fee treatment to this call only if the transaction's accounting basis also has its Income/Prepayment Fee Treatment field set to All or Calls Only. This value appears if you set the Corporate Action Type field to Call, but you can change it.

  • Principal Repayment. Indicates the system can apply the NAIC income/prepayment fee treatment to this principal repayment only if the transaction's accounting basis also has its Income/Prepayment Fee Treatment field set to All or Principal Repayments Only. This value appears if you set the Corporate Action Type field to Principal Repayment, but you can change it.

  • None. Indicates that the system cannot apply the NAIC income/prepayment fee treatment to this corporate action.