Refresh Loopbacks
While you review or modify loopback information, you can refresh the loopbacks to update their processing status. You can refresh summary-level and/or detail-level loopback data.
Refresh Status for Loopbacks
In the Accounting Center's Global Process workspace, you can manually refresh the loopback processing status after you make changes or after a specific time period elapses. You can use the Refresh on Screen option to refresh data to update status, duration, actual stop time, and other details of each process.
To refresh loopback status information for all loopbacks viewed in the workspace:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes.
You see the Global Process workspace.Review data in the workspace panes.
The Refresh option does not become active until you select data.On the Loopbacks tab, in the Refresh group, click Refresh, and then click Screen.
You see the most recent data displayed in the workspace.
Refresh Status for Selected Loopback
In the Accounting Center's Global Process workspace, you can manually refresh the loopback processing status for a selected loopback after you make changes. You can refresh a summary-level loopback in the Loopbacks pane or a detail-level loopback in the Loopback Details pane.
To refresh loopback status information for a selected loopback:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes.
You see the Global Process workspace.Review data in the workspace panes.
The Refresh option does not become active until you select data.Click the loopback you want to refresh.
On the Loopbacks tab, in the Refresh group, click Refresh, and then click Selected.
You see the most recent processing status for the selected loopback.