View Loopback Summary Totals

View Loopback Summary Totals

The Loopbacks Summary pane in the Global Process workspace displays summary totals for each loopback processing status associated with a submit time interval and/or processing duration. You can view summary totals, and change the summary total criteria. You can also select specific totals to view loopbacks and/or loopback details that correspond to a selected summary total.

The Loopbacks Summary pane time interval can reflect the Last Hours or Date you processed the loopbacks. The processing duration specifies the length of time the process took to complete.

View Loopbacks for a Loopbacks Summary Total

In the Global Process workspace, you can select one of the summary totals displayed in the Loopbacks Summary pane to view the loopbacks and/or loopback details associated with that status. You can view loopbacks a specific processing status associated with a submit time interval or processing duration. If the loopbacks quantity for a given status is not null, you can view the corresponding loopbacks in the Loopbacks or Loopback Details pane.

To view loopbacks for a Loopbacks Summary total:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes.
    You see the Global Process workspace. At the top is the Loopback Summary pane. You see the total number of loopbacks for each processing status for both the submit time interval and the processing duration. A combined total for the time interval and for the processing duration also appears at the bottom of each column.

    Global Process workspace Loopbacks Summary pane
  2. In the Total Generated area, to view loopbacks processed as of the time interval displayed in the pane heading, do one of the following. By default the time interval is as of Last 24 hours.
    - Click PendingProcessedRejectedOverridden, or Total.
    - Right-click PendingProcessedRejectedOverridden, or Total, and then click Show Loopbacks.
    You see the loopbacks that met your criteria in the Loopbacks pane.

  3. In the Processing Duration area, to view loopbacks processed during the duration displayed in the pane heading, do one of the following. By default the processing duration section name is Less 10 min.
    - Click PendingProcessedRejectedOverridden, or Total
    - Right-click PendingProcessedRejectedOverridden, or Total, and then click Show Loopbacks.
    You see the loopbacks that met your criteria in the Loopbacks pane.

Change Loopbacks Summary Settings

The Loopbacks Summary pane displays metrics for jobs that were processed and rejected as of a specified time frame. It displays loopback summary totals that ran over the course of that last day, that is, in the last 24 hours, by default. You can change the time frame used to generate these metrics.

To change Loopbacks Summary settings:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes.
    You see the Global Process workspace.

  2. In the Loopbacks Summary pane, click the icon to the right of the pane name. 
    You see the Loopbacks Summary Settings dialog box. By default, Last 24 hours is selected.

    Loopbacks Summary Settings dialog box
  3. Do one of the following:
    - Select Specific Date and choose a different date. 
    - Select Last ### hours and enter the number of hours.

  4. Select the Use Sampling check box to display approximate results for the Loopback Summary pane metrics. Otherwise, clear the check box to display exact results. 
    You can choose this option to increase performance time when the metrics apply to a large amount of data.

  5. Click OK.
    You see the date or number of hours you selected in the pane name. The metrics change to reflect your settings.