Create Security Profiles in Issue Viewer

Create Security Profiles in Issue Viewer

If you need to manually add several securities with similar characteristics in Issue Viewer, you can save time by creating a security profile. A security profile is a template you can use to add repetitive security master information in the system. Note this functionality is available on all panels. It is not specific to security master panels.

To create a security profile:

  1. Access the security panel. 
    You see a list of security records that meet your selection criteria in the Query Result window.

  2. Enter the data on the panel.

  3. Click Store. Or right click anywhere in the panel and select Save Profile.
    Public profiles are available for use by all members that belong to your Report Profile group. Your system administrator sets up Report Profiles in the User Administration window. Clear the Public check box on the Enter Profile Name dialog box if you want the profile to be private. Private profiles are only available for use by your User ID. Select the Private check box on the dialog box if you want the profile to be private.

  4. Specify whether you want the profile to be Public or Private.

  5. Click OK.

To use a security profile:

  1. Access the security panel.

  2. Click Retrieve. Or right click anywhere in the panel and select Retrieve Profile.
    You see the Profile Selection dialog box.

  3. Double click the profile you want to use.
    The system populates the fields on the security panel with the information that was specified in the profile.

  4. Add the information that is unique to the new security.

  5. Click Submit.
    You have manually entered security information using a profile.