Manage Fund Investments in Issue Viewer
In the Fund Investment panel, you can manually add and change a fund investment security. You can add the following types of equity securities using the Fund Investment panel:
Share based fund investment.
Capital based fund investment. For use with private equity. For details, see Manage Private Equity.
This article assumes you are familiar with the entity elections made for processing fund investment securities.
Add Fund Investment Securities
To manually add a fund investment security:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Securities > Manage Securities > Issue Viewer.
You see the Issue Viewer tool.Click the Add arrow.
Point to Equities and click Fund Investment.
You see the Fund Investment panel.Complete the options on the Fund Investment panel.
The following fields are required to set up a fund investment security: Issue Name, Primary Asset ID Type, Primary Asset ID, Processing Security Type, Issue Country Code, Asset Currency, Settlement Currency, and Income Currency.Click Submit.
Change Fund Investment Securities
Some fields are locked when there is an existing position on the security. This is because a change would impact the existing position. These fields include Asset Currency, Investment Type, Processing Security Type, Quantity Type, Price Multiplier, and Quantity Scale. Other fields are locked so they cannot be changed. See the About Locked Security Master Record Fields in Issue Viewer page for more information.
If you need to change a security master record, Eagle Accounting recommends canceling the security, making changes to the security master record, and rebooking the security.
To manually change a fund investment security:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Securities > Manage Securities > Issue Viewer.
You see the Issue Viewer tool.Enter the query parameters and click Search.
You see a list of security records that meet your selection criteria in the Query Result window.Select the security record you want to update, click the Change arrow, and then click Change Fund Investment. Or double-click the security record.
You see the Change Fund Investment panel.Change the options on the Change Fund Investment panel.
Click Submit.
Fund Investment Panel Options
The following are the options in the Fund Investment panel. Note options may vary according to your selections.
Option | Tag | Description |
SRM Status Flag |
Release Status | 614 | Displays the release status of the Security Reference Manager (SRM) record. This field is null when you are adding a new security. |
Authorize Flag | 11742 | Flags records that have been authorized. |
Validation Process Flag | 4569 | Flags records that have been reviewed in the Security Reference Manager (SRM). |
Fund Investment Identification |
Issue Name | 961 | Specifies the name of the security. |
Issue Description | 962 | Describes the security. |
Ticker | 13 | Specifies the system of letters used to uniquely identify a security. |
CUSIP/SEDOL Check Digit Control Flag | 2292 | Indicates whether you want to generate or validate CUSIP and SEDOL numbers. Options include:
Primary Asset ID Type | 1432 | Specifies the primary asset identifier type for the security, such as CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL. |
Primary Asset ID | 14 | Specifies the primary asset identifier for the security. |
Alt Asset ID Type | 5501 | Specifies an alternate asset identifier type for the security. |
Alt Asset ID | 1795 | Specifies the alternate asset identifier for the security. |
Fund Investment Xreference Identification |
CUSIP | 1952 | Specifies the Committee of Uniform Security Identification Procedure (CUSIP), a unique identification number that identifies the security issue. |
ISIN | 1955 | Specifies the International Security Identification (ISIN), a unique international identification number that identifies the security issue. |
Sedol | 1958 | Specifies the Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) number, a unique identification number that identifies the security issue. |
Reuters | 1961 | Specifies the Reuters identification number that identifies the security issue. |
Bloomberg ID | 1964 | Specifies the Bloomberg identification number that identifies the security issue. |
SICOVM | 1967 | Specifies the SICOVM identification number that identifies the security issue. |
Valoren | 1970 | Specifies the Valoren identification number that identifies the security issue. |
Cash Matching ID | 1973 | Identifies the security issue for use in cash matching when you use cash segregation. If you set up security cross reference identifiers of CMM for use with cash matching, you can provide a Cash Matching ID for each security you plan to use in cash matching. |
INTERNAL | 1976 | Specifies the internal identification number that identifies the security issue. |
CINS | 1979 | Specifies the CINS identification number that identifies a foreign security issue. The CINS numbering system is an extension of the CUSIP numbering system. |
Xref Exchange | 1981 | Specifies the exchange where the security is traded. |
Fund Investment Details |
Investment Type | 11 | Displays the type of investment you are adding. For example EQ (equity). |
Processing Security Type | 3931 | Specifies the code that the system uses to identify the type of security you are adding. Options include:
For more information about creating a Capital Based Fund Investment (EQCBFI) security used for private equity, see Manage Private Equity. |
Security Type | 82 | Specifies the security type. |
Sub Security Type | 1464 | Specifies the sub security type. |
Granularity Category | 11476 | Specifies the asset's classification for ledger granularity purposes. If the security attributes available for ledger granularity account breakouts (security type, long/short indicator, Federal tax indicator, market sector description, affiliated/unaffiliated, and issue country) do not provide enough detail, you can use a granularity category to classify the asset for ledger reporting. Code values are maintained under the GRANULARITY_CAT code category. |
Cost Basis Rule Type | 2817 | Specifies the cost basis rule type for cost basis reporting. |
Quantity Type | 12 | Displays the quantity generally accepted as a standard for exchange, such as Shares. |
Price Multiplier | 18 | Determines what the system uses for a price. In the case of a fund investment security, the system defaults to a price of 1.00. You should not change this value once a position exists. |
Quantity Scale | 19 | Calculates the ratio of units bought to units used for earnings. The default is 1, so that 1 unit of par purchased equals one unit of earnings. You should not change this value once a position exists. |
Country of Risk | 2288 | Specifies the issuer of the security's principal place of business. |
Country of Risk Code | 10536 | Specifies the code of the issuer of the security's principal place of business. |
Issue Country | 2290 | Specifies the name of the country that issued the security. |
Issue Country Code | 1418 | Specifies the identification number that represents the country that issued the security. |
Asset Currency | 85 | Specifies the currency in which the security is priced. |
Settlement Currency | 63 | Specifies the currency in which the security is settled. |
Income Currency | 1186 | Specifies the currency in which the security pays income. |
Investment Period End Date | 38 | Specifies the expected end date for the investment period, if tracked for private equity. |
Look Thru Value | 1808 | Specifies the underlying security. |
Look Thru Ind | 1776 | Used to view exposure to the underlying security, index, or portfolio. |
Inactive Flag | 11043 | Indicates whether the security is inactive. Options include:
NOTE: If this field is set to Yes, no trades are allowed. |
Issuer Information |
Issue ID Name | 2285 | Specifies the name of the issuer. |
Issuer ID | 1413 | Specifies the identifier of the company or municipality that offered the equity security for sale. |
Country of Incorporation Code | 1174 | Specifies the ISO country code in which the issuer of the security was incorporated. |
Issuer Industry | 1417 | Specifies the issuer industry. |
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) | 5089 | Displays the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) that identifies the issuer as a financial party. If an LEI value is present, the Legal Entity Identifier Details section displays additional information. |
Legal Entity Identifier Details |
Legal Name | 5090 | Displays the legal name of the issuer as the financial party registered with the LEI. |
Entity Status | 5091 | Displays the status of the issuer. For example, ACTIVE and INACTIVE. |
Legal Form | 5092 | Displays the legal form of the issuer as financial party registered with the LEI. For example, CORPORATION. |
Assigned Date | 5093 | Displays the date when the issuer's LEI was assigned. |
Last Update Date | 5094 | Displays the date when the issuer's LEI information was last updated. |
Disabled Date | 5095 | Displays the date when the issuer's LEI information was disabled. |
Record State | 5096 | Displays the record state for the issuer's LEI. The record state indicates the current process status of the CFTC Interim Compliant Identifier (CICI) record. For example, UNDER_REVIEW, DUPLICATE, CONFLICTING_SOURCES, INADEQUATE_SOURCES, VALIDATED, PENDING_REMOVAL. |
Certification State | 5097 | Displays the certification state used to register the issuer's LEI. For example, CERTIFIED, NOT_CERTIFIED, STALE. |
Street | 5098 | Displays the street address used to register the issuer's LEI. |
City | 5099 | Displays the city used to register the issuer's LEI. |
State | 5100 | Displays the state code used to register the issuer's LEI. |
Zip | 5180 | Displays the ZIP code used to register the issuer's LEI. |
Country Code | 5181 | Displays the country code used to register the issuer's LEI. |