Distribution Yield Comparison Report

The Distribution Yield Comparison report displays distribution yields at the applicable share class level. The report matches the yields calculated by Eagle Accounting for the accounting date to calculated prior accounting date values.

To create the Distribution Yield Comparison report:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports > Fund Accounting Reports > Mutual Fund - Distribution > Distribution Yield Comparison Report. 
    You see the Distribution Yield Comparison Report panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Distribution Yield Comparison Report panel.

  3. Under Result Options, click Grid or Advanced Report for the report view you want.

  4. Click Submit.
    The report appears on your desktop for the view selected.

Distribution Yield Comparison Report Panel Options

A definition of the options on the Distribution Yield Comparison Report panel follows.





Required Parameters


Entity ID

Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by the entity ID of the entity.

Entity Name

Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by name of the entity.

Share Class

Allows you to filter results by share class.

Report Date

Specifies the report date for your report results. Default is today's date.