Create Master Fund Panel Options
In the Create Master Fund panel, when you manually create master fund entities, you can select various options based on the requirements of your business.
Field names in bold in the panel apply to the master fund you are creating. Field names not bolded apply to one or more share classes you can create for the master fund in the lower pane rows. Options may vary according to your selections and the terms fund and entity may be used interchangeably.
The Create Master Fund panel includes the following sections in the upper and lower panes:
- 1 Master Fund Options
- 1.1 Master Fund Identification
- 1.2 Legal Entity Identifier Details
- 1.3 Fund to Fund/Underlying Fund Identification
- 1.4 Core Accounting Fields
- 1.5 Dates
- 1.6 Cash Segregation Fields
- 1.7 Conversion Fields
- 1.8 Source Fields
- 1.9 NASDAQ Fields
- 1.10 Month End Fields
- 1.11 Period Close Fields
- 1.12 Earnings/Amortization Fields
- 1.13 Basis Processing Rule
- 1.14 SEC Fields
- 1.15 Other Information Fields
- 1.16 S2P Direct Interface Fields
- 1.17 Portfolio Turnover
- 1.18 Process Center Fields
- 1.19 Accrue Cash Balance Fields
- 1.20 Cap Stock Fields
- 1.21 Variable Annuity Processing
- 1.22 NAV Processing
- 1.23 Allocation Fields
- 1.24 Share Class Fields
- 1.25 Fund Distribution Fields
- 1.26 Tax Fields
- 1.27 Corporate Action Fields
- 1.28 Settlement Fields
- 1.29 Expense Fields
- 1.30 Forward Fields
- 1.31 Futures Fields
- 1.32 Options Fields
- 1.33 Caps/Floors Fields
- 1.34 Control Center
- 1.35 Entity Level Engine Routing
- 1.36 Partition Assignment
- 1.37 Tax Equalization Fields
- 1.38 Lead/Clone Fields
- 1.39 Transfer Agent Fields
- 1.40 NOA Allocation Rules
- 1.41 Retail Performance
- 1.42 Retail Performance Fields
- 2 Share Class Level Options
- 2.1 Share Class Identification
- 2.2 Fund to Fund / Underlying Fund Identification
- 2.3 Cash Segregation Fields
- 2.4 Source Fields
- 2.5 NASDAQ Fields
- 2.6 Earnings/Amortization Fields
- 2.7 Other Information Fields
- 2.8 Cap Stock Fields
- 2.9 Allocation Fields
- 2.10 Share Class Fields
- 2.11 Corporate Action Fields
- 2.12 Transfer Agent Fields
- 2.13 Retail Performance
On this page
Master Fund Options
The following table provides a description of the fields that you can view in each section of the upper pane of the Create Master Fund panel. In the lower pane, you add one or more share classes for the master fund.
Option | Tag | Description |
Master Fund Identification |
Master Fund ID | 1163 | Specifies the unique identifier of the master fund entity. It must not contain any blank spaces. |
Master Fund Long Name | 29 | Specifies the full name of the master fund entity. |
Master Fund Name | 1164 | Specifies the abbreviated name of the master fund entity. |
Master Fund Code | 4324 | Specifies the entity code of the master fund entity. |
Master Fund Legal Name | 1859 | Specifies the legal name of the master fund entity. |
Master Fund Type | 3953 | Identifies the type of master fund. The system uses this value for certain Control Center edits and in dilution and mil rate processing. Options include:
Money Market Type | 16560 | Identifies the type of money market fund for the master fund. The option you select does not affect processing. This field appears if you set the Master Fund Type field to a value of Money Market (MM). Options include:
Master Fund Alias | 1333 | Specifies the master fund entity alias. |
Effective Date | 1109 | Specifies the effective date of the master fund entity. The default is today's date. |
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) | 5089 | Specifies the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) that identifies the mutual fund as a financial party. When you enter an LEI value, the system unhides the Legal Entity Identifier Details section for data entry. NOTE: If the LEI already exists, the LEI details appear. |
Nav Election | 16559 | Indicates if the selected master fund entity uses daily or intraday NAV processing. Options include:
Open/Closed-end Fund | 1855 | Indicates whether the entity is an open-end or closed-end fund. Options include:
Preferred Shares Processing | 16858 | Indicates whether the master fund is eligible for preferred shares processing. This field appears if you set the Open/Closed-end Fund field to a value of Closed. Options include:
Legal Entity Identifier Details |
Legal Name | 5090 | Specifies the legal name of the mutual fund as the financial party registered with the LEI. |
Entity Status | 5091 | Specifies the status of the mutual fund. For example, ACTIVE and INACTIVE. |
Legal Form | 5092 | Specifies the legal form of the mutual fund as financial party registered with the LEI. For example, CORPORATION. |
Assigned Date | 5093 | Specifies the date when the mutual fund's LEI was assigned. |
Last Update Date | 5094 | Specifies the date when the mutual fund's LEI information was last updated. |
Disabled Date | 5095 | Specifies the date when the mutual fund's LEI information was disabled. |
Record State | 5096 | Specifies the record state for the mutual fund's LEI. The record state indicates the current process status of the CFTC Interim Compliant Identifier (CICI) record. For example, UNDER_REVIEW, DUPLICATE, CONFLICTING_SOURCES, INADEQUATE_SOURCES, VALIDATED, PENDING_REMOVAL. |
Certification State | 5097 | Specifies the certification state used to register the mutual fund's LEI. For example, CERTIFIED, NOT_CERTIFIED, STALE. |
Street | 5098 | Specifies the street address used to register the mutual fund's LEI. |
City | 5099 | Specifies the city used to register the mutual fund's LEI. |
State | 5100 | Specifies the state code used to register the mutual fund's LEI. |
Zip | 5180 | Specifies the ZIP code used to register the mutual fund's LEI. |
Country Code | 5181 | Specifies the country code used to register the mutual fund's LEI. |
| |
Master/Feeder Fund Relationship | 2201 | Indicates if the master fund is part of a master feeder fund structure. You can create a master and feeder fund relationship and use that relationship to allocate income, expense, realized and unrealized gains and losses from the master fund to the feeder fund. This fund structure allows you to consolidate multiple portfolios into one. This consolidation allows advisers to reduce their trading and operating cost. Options include:
Master/Feeder Fund Type | 16618 | Indicates whether the master fund is a master feeder fund or a feeder fund if you use it within a master feeder fund structure. This field appears if you set the Master/Feeder Fund Relationship field to a value of Yes. Options include:
Fund to Fund/Underlying Fund Identification |
Automatic Reinvestment of Daily Distribution | 11957 | Determines whether to automate the reinvestment of daily distributions for the top level fund. A top level fund, which holds an underlying fund, can itself be held by another fund. Options include No (Default) and Yes. |
Automatic Reinvestment of Periodic Distribution | 11958 | Determines whether to automate the reinvestment of periodic distributions for the top level fund. Options include No (Default) and Yes. |
TF Held as Security | 10599 | Determines whether the fund is a single class fund. Options include No (Default) and Yes. If you select Yes, the TF NAV Price Precision field and the TF Fund Primary Asset ID field appear. |
TF NAV Price Precision | 10600 | Specifies the number of digits for the NAV precision. This option is required if you set TF Held as Security to Yes. |
TF Fund Primary Asset ID | 1348 | Specifies the security identifier of the security representing the fund. For example, EQEQMF for funds making period distributions and DBMFDD for funds making daily distributions. This option is required if you set TF Held as Security to Yes. |
Core Accounting Fields |
Primary Accounting Basis | 21 | Specifies the primary accounting basis for the entity. You cannot edit this field after you create the entity. The system is installed with a set of values for this field. You can add additional code values using the Codes workspace. Options include:
Controlling Basis | 4949 | Indicates whether the selected accounting basis is the entity's controlling basis for use with for same lot selection. Same lot selection allows the system to relieve the same lots across multiple bases in order to keep lots in sync across bases. Options include:
Regulatory Category | 12387 | Specifies the regulatory category associated with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). A regulatory category is a classification that determines how to account for financial instruments. The new IFRS 9 categories that replace IAS 39 categories include Amortized Cost, Fair Value - Other Comprehensive Income, and Fair Value Profit Loss. IFRS 9 categories classify debt instruments based on their contractual cash flow characteristics and the business model in which they are held. Equity securities are classified in the FVOCI or FVPL regulatory categories. If you set the Accounting Basis field to a value of IFRS, you must specify a regulatory category. If you choose an accounting basis value other than IFRS, use of a regulatory category is optional. All investments within an entity/accounting basis must have the same regulatory category. A multi basis entity can have different regulatory categories by basis. Options include:
Regulatory Category Effective Date | 9137 | Identifies the date that the regulatory category is eligible for processing. This field appears after you specify a regulatory category value. When you first enter a regulatory category, this field displays the entity's inception date by default, but you can override that value. When you change a regulatory category, you can specify the effective date for that change. If you change categories, be aware that the system uses the Regulatory Category Effective Date field value to determine the chart of account in effect for reporting purposes. Reports process based on the custom chart of account that was "active" during the period, using the report end date to determine what was active. |
URGL Accounting Rule | 1079 | Specifies the URGL (unrealized gain/loss) rule for the entity/accounting basis that establishes proper treatment of unrealized market and currency gains/losses to ensure compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This option is required only if you select a regulatory category of Amortized Cost, Available for Sale, Available for Sale at Cost, Fair Value Option, Fair Value – Other Comprehensive Income, Fair Value Profit Loss, Held for Trading, Held to Maturity, or Loans and Receivables. The URGL rule used for a Fair Value – Other Comprehensive Income basis determines whether the system recognizes realized gains and losses in other comprehensive income rather than earnings. For more information, see Manage URGL Rules. |
Netting Rule Name | 1887 | Specifies the netting rule used to net interest rate swaps' and credit index swaps' long and short positions with the same primary asset ID. This allows you to book swaps long and short rather than as opens and closes. This rule gives you the option to net interest rate swaps' and credit index swaps' long and short positions and consolidate multiple lots into one lot when you use the global Run Swap Netting process. |
Primary Accounting Basis Postmatrix Type | 11708 | Specifies which ledger posting matrix the entity/primary accounting basis uses when determining the accounting ledger postings required for a given event. Options include:
Primary Accounting Basis Lot Selection Rule | 2299 | Relieves the current holdings of a security for a primary accounting basis. This option determines processing for the open lots that are eligible to be closed on an additional accounting basis. Options include:
Primary Accounting Basis Mixed Cost Basis Indicator | 11664 | Determines if the entity/primary accounting basis uses a mixed cost basis. A mixed cost basis allows you to override the entity's accounting basis level elections for the cost method, lot selection method, and lot selection method rule used during transaction processing. You can define mixed cost basis rules based on transaction criteria that includes processing security type (PST) group, processing security type, security type, cost basis rule type, and asset ID, as well as by using each of these criteria in combination with a specified entity. For more information, see Manage Mixed Cost Basis Rules. This field appears in the accounting basis entry panels as the Mixed Cost Basis Indicator (tag 11664) field. Options include:
Primary Accounting Basis Mixed Cost Basis Rule Name | 11666 | Specifies the name of the mixed cost basis rule to use for the entity's primary accounting basis. This option appears if you set the Primary Basis Mixed Cost Basis Indicator field to Yes. |
Cost Method | 22 | Specifies the cost method the system uses to calculate gain/loss amounts from the sale of security lots held by the entity. You cannot edit this field once the entity has holdings. Eagle's Accounting solution is a multiple basis accounting system. If you set up an additional accounting basis, it must have the same cost method as the primary accounting basis. Options include:
Eagle Accounting supports the cost basis legislation regulations included in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. These regulations, which apply to various types of securities, affect debt securities and options posted on or after January 1, 2013. If a portfolio follows these mandatory guidelines, you must perform additional setup tasks to enable cost basis reporting. For information about enabling cost basis reporting, adding rules for covered and uncovered securities, defining mixed cost basis rules to override your basis level elections for the cost basis method, and information about changing cost methods, see the Cost Basis Legislation Quick Reference Guide. |
Lot Selection Method | 27 | Specifies the lot selection method the system uses to relieve (sell) lots of a security held by the entity. Options include:
Cost Method Cash | 9924 | Specifies the cost method the system uses to calculate gain or loss amounts from the sale of foreign currency lots held by the entity. You cannot edit this field once the entity has holdings. The system bypasses rollback and replay processing for same day cost of cash activity. The system processes open and close trades for the same date in the order in which the trades arrive. As a result, some close trades may be processed prior to open trades. The average cost close trades do not include the cost of open trades that have not been processed. This may result in small variances in gains and losses for entities processing average cash. There is no effect on ID lot gains and losses. Options include:
Account Base Currency | 86 | Specifies the base currency of the entity. You cannot edit this field once the entity has holdings. You can set up the master fund to report on more than one base currency if you add an additional accounting basis. |
Country of Tax Code | 1342 | Specifies the ISO country code of the country in which the entity is located. The system uses the value in the Country of Tax Code field to calculate tax withholding and tax reclaim rates. The system uses the Country of Tax field to determine the applicable tax withholding and reclaim rates in the Global Tax table. The system provides the list of countries and their associated ISO country codes in the COUNTRY CODE category as part of the installation upgrade process. If you enter a value in the Country of Tax Code field, the system fills in the Country of Tax field with its corresponding value. This option exists solely on the entity record, and the value can be edited after the entity is established. The dynamic lookup is based on the COUNTRY CODE code category under source Eagle PACE. For more information, see Manage Tax Withholding and Reclaim Processing. |
Country of Tax | 1193 | Specifies the name of the country in which the entity is domiciled. If you enter a value for the Country of Tax field, the system fills in the Country of Tax Code field with the corresponding value. The system uses this option as a working storage field to reconcile the Country of Tax Code field. This field is not stored in the Eagle Accounting database. The dynamic lookup is based on the COUNTRY CODE code category. |
Tech Short Eligible Indicator | 57 | Indicates whether the entity can go technically short (book sell transactions prior to buys that will eventually be posted). Options include:
Wash Sale Inhibit Indicator | 775 | Indicates whether the system can apply the wash sale rule to trades. Options include:
Chart of Account | 1641 | Specifies the entity's chart of account to use in ledger reporting for the accounting basis. The system is installed with a core chart of accounts that contains more than 400 account numbers and descriptions. Custom chart of accounts are also available for each of the IFRS regulatory categories. You must select a value for this field even if you are not using the general ledger. The default field value is STAR. If you edit this value after the entity has holdings, the changes go into effect on the specified Regulatory Category Effective Date field value. |
Ledger Granularity Rule Name | 8939 | Specifies the name of the ledger granularity rule associated with the entity/accounting basis. A ledger granularity rule allows you to customize both your core ledger posting for a breakout by holding term and your custom postings based on security master attributes as well as targeted securities. |
Ledger Granularity Rule | 8933 | Displays the instance number associated with the Ledger Granularity Rule Name selected. |
Ledger Granularity Rule Effective Date | 155 | Specifies the first date when transaction processing will apply the ledger granularity rule selected for the entity/accounting basis. |
Holding Term Method | 11479 | Indicates whether the entity/accounting basis calculates the holding term for short term versus cash equivalent holdings at 90 days or at 3 months. If you use ledger granularity rules to customize your core ledger posting for a breakout by holding term, this option determines how the system calculates that holding term. This field appears after you select a ledger granularity rule. Options include:
Entity Status | 1283 | Identifies the entity as active or inactive. You can use the Change Entity Active Status panel to change the status. Options include:
Short Term Price Method | 1872 | Specifies how the system prices short term debt instruments. The system identifies a short term fixed income security if the period from Issue Date to Maturity Date is less than or equal to 365 days. It does not do so by Processing Security Type. Options include:
Price Level | 12007 | Identifies the default price level that the system uses if the entity prices short term fixed income securities priced at amortized cost. This field appears if you set the Short Term Price Method to Cost. The field displays a value of 1 by default, but you can change it to a value of 1, 2, or 3. Eagle Accounting uses the price level in Fair Value Level reporting. |
Accounting Period Frequency | 624 | Specifies the number of accounting periods per calendar year for the entity. You cannot edit this field once the entity has holdings. Options include:
Bifurcation Method | 5825 | Specifies how the system handles gains and losses on foreign securities and foreign debt instruments. Gains and losses from foreign security and debt instruments may be posted to currency gain/loss ledger accounts, capital gain/loss ledger accounts, or to both. There is no currency gain/loss for domestic securities so you can select No in this field if your organization trades only in domestic securities. For more information, see Understand the Bifurcation Method. Options include:
TBA Cashflow | 9406 | Specifies whether a To Be Announced (TBA) security functions as a buy or sell or nets the difference. For more information, see Understand To Be Announced (TBA) Trades. Options include:
TBA Netting | 18577 | Specifies whether long and short TBA trades are held as separate positions or netted into a single position. For more information, see Understand To Be Announced (TBA) Trades. Options include:
Stale Factor Processing | 8141 | Specifies whether the system automatically rolls back and replays stale factor trades when performing factor processing. For more information, see About Stale Factor Processing. Options include:
Swap Accrual Method | 1184 | Specifies how entities post interest accruals and dividends for swaps. Options include:
Calendar Business Days | 824 | Specifies whether the fund spreads expenses over the weekends and holidays. It affects the Average Net Assets report. Options include:
Expense & Capitalize Trans Costs for Opens & Closes | 10705 | Determines if transaction fees are expensed or capitalized for acquisitions, and if transaction fees are expensed or netted against proceeds for dispositions. This option supports International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requirements for trades and transaction fees. You cannot edit this field once the entity has holdings. The following trade related fees are considered transaction fees: Commission field (tag 47), SEC Fee field (tag 48), Tax field (tag 46), Stamp Duty Tax field (tag 51), Other Fee field (tag 3752). The Federal Tax Withholding field (tag 8078) and State Tax Withholding field (tag 8079) are not considered transaction fees. Options include:
Costcash Bulking Election | 2423 | Specifies whether the entity uses COSTCASH bulking when you use COSTCASH processing to track foreign currency positions. COSTCASH bulking bulks or consolidates rows in the COSTCASH object to reduce the amount of data stored. Options include:
Manager Allocation | 2841 | Specifies whether manager allocations apply to the fund. Options include No (default) and Yes. |
Backup Withholding Indicator | 2768 | Controls whether backup withholding is required. Options include:
Backup Withholding Rule Description | 2761 | Specifies the rule identifying the account subject to backup withholding and the dates the restrictions apply. You can use the Create Entity Backup Withholding Rule panel to set up the rule. This option is required if you set the Backup Withholding Indicator field to Yes. |
Cost Basis Covered Indicator | 2818 | Determines whether a portfolio follows the mandatory reporting guidelines as stored at the accounting basis level. When enabled, the system creates a bifurcated position and determines uncovered/covered statuses for the securities/lots the portfolio holds as new trades are received. |
Book Value Breakdown Flag | 2904 | Indicates whether to process book value by component for fixed income securities. Options include:
Business Sector | 9512 | Identifies the business sector associated with the entity. You use this field when performing Weighted Average Balance (WAB) calculations. |
Pending Trade Eligible Indicator | 3679 | Specifies whether the system can apply pending trade rules to place incoming transactions for the entity into the pending trade workflow. Eagle's Accounting solution can pend transactions received from upstream systems if those transactions require further evaluation prior to processing by the STAR accounting engine. Options include Yes and No. |
PT Rule Name | 17026 | Identifies the name of the pending trade rule associated with the selected pending trade rule detail. This field appears if you set Pending Trade Eligible Indicator to Yes. If you specify a value, the system applies the pending trade rule detail only to transactions for one or more entities that have the same PT Rule Name value assigned at the entity level. Otherwise, if you do not specify a rule name for this field, the system applies the pending trade rule detail only to transactions for entities that do not have a PT Rule Name value assigned at the entity level, as well as to master funds eligible for the pending trade workflow. You can associate a PT Rule Name with one or more entities, but cannot associate it with master funds. |
Margin Transaction Fees | 3889 | Defines the treatment of commissions for securities with variation margin. Options include:
PIK URGL Flag | 3859 | Indicates whether unrealized gain/loss is posted for a Payment in Kind (PIK) bond interest receivable. Options include:
Cost Cash Processing | 5006 | (Hidden field) Indicates whether the entity uses COSTCASH processing to track foreign cash positions. Options include:
QDI Treaty Flag | 4487 | Enables the use of the QDI Tax Treaty table for securities in the entity. QDI (qualified dividend income) is a category of dividend income that is taxable at lower rates than ordinary income under the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. The Tax Relief, Unemployment Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 extended the QDI expiration date through the end of 2012. QDI is defined as dividends received from domestic corporations and certain foreign corporations. Options include:
Cash Based Div Recognition Flag | 16160 | Indicates whether to process cash dividend income, tax, and reclaim in the accounting ledger on ex-date or upon the settlement of the associated cash. For more information, see Recognize Dividend Income on a Cash Settlement Basis. Options include:
FX Election for Cash Div Recognition | 16161 | If you recognize dividend income on a cash settlement basis, indicates whether the system selects the FX rate used for foreign dividend settlement using the ex-date FX rate or the settlement date FX rate. It applies only to the settlement of dividends issued by a foreign security. This field appears if you set the Cash Based Div Recognition Flag field to a value of Yes. Options include:
Equity Method Treatment | 16084 | If the selected accounting basis uses the equity method of accounting, identifies the treatment of assets held under the equity method of accounting. You cannot change this value when you edit an entity/basis. Options include:
Income Received Accounting Flag | 16557 | Determines whether the selected accounting basis uses the income posting treatment to create separate entries within the ledger to identify interest income received and/or dividend income received in unique income ledger accounts. This option is for use by Insurance companies that need to reconcile the investment accounting activity reflected on their investment schedules to related ledger accounts on their trial balances. See Record Unique Ledger Postings for Income Received. Options include:
Ledger Closeout Override Period | 18570 | Specifies whether a custom transfer profile is assigned to an entity or accounting basis to override any regulatory or default closeout rules already assigned. Before you override the profile, you need to build a custom profile. For more information, see Manage Custom Profiles. |
Mark to Market Accounting Flag | 16634 | Determines whether the selected accounting basis uses the mark-to-market breakout. This breakout is for use by Insurance companies that need to reconcile the investment accounting activity reflected on their investment schedules to related ledger accounts on their trial balances. See Record Unique Ledger Postings for Income Received. Options include:
Segregate Derivatives | 16253 | Indicates whether the system segregates derivative positions by clearing broker for the entity. Otherwise, If you do not use cash segregation for the entity, you can segregate derivatives in order to allow the system to process derivatives with multiple brokers. Options include:
Variation Margin Override Rule Name | 1081 | Allows multiple clients on the same platform to share the same security reference data for futures, future options, and/or cleared swap security master records but to suppress, by entity and processing security type, the variation margin logic on securities set up for variation margin. Futures, future options, and swaps include a Variation Margin (tag 4533) option on the security master record that indicates whether to calculate variation margin. In multi-client environments, some clients may want to use Eagle's variation margin functionality while other clients need to use a model external to Eagle Accounting for variation margin processing. In order to maintain a single security master record and accommodate client-specific elections, an entity-level variation margin override setting allows you to override the security-level setting in applicable entities for certain processing security types. For more information, see Override a Security's Variation Margin Setting for an Entity. You cannot edit this field after you create the entity. You cannot apply a variation margin override rule to an entity if the rule includes a processing security type that the entity ever held. |
Ex-Interest Coupon Recognition Date | 16311 | Indicates whether the system can create coupons for the entity posted on ex-date rather than on coupon day. For more information, see About Ex Interest Processing. Options include:
Payup Adjustments Only | 11319 | Determines whether Eagle Accounting produces a new open lot for a payup or allows a payup to create an open adjustment and modify the shares of the original open lot instead of creating a new open lot. For more information, see Payup Adjustments Only Option Example. Options include:
Derivative Cost Rule | 7104 | Specifies the rule that is set up to process cleared swaps amortization. For more information, see Cleared Swaps Best Practices. |
Deliver By Settlement Dt | 18298 | Determines whether the system processes activity for Deliver and Interportfolio Transfer (IPT) events only on those lots that passed settlement date. Options include:
Begin Date By Settlement | 18299 | Identifies the date on which the system begins to process activity for Deliver and Interportfolio Transfer (IPT) events only on those lots that passed settlement date for the entity/accounting basis. Prior to this date, the system processes any activity for Deliver and Interportfolio Transfer (IPT) events on any lot based on trade date. This field appears only if you set Deliver By Settlement Dt to Yes. |
Swap Pricing Method | 18626 | Specifies the level at which pricing occurs for the cross currency swaps. Options include:
Dates |
Inception Date | 1138 | Specifies the date the entity was created in the marketplace. Eagle's Performance solution uses this information. |
STAR Start Date | 2198 | Specifies the date the entity was set up in the system. The system calculates accounting periods based on the date range you enter in the STAR Start Date and Fiscal End Date fields. You cannot edit this field after you create the entity. |
Fiscal End Date | 1162 | Specifies the last date of the entity's fiscal year, which the system uses as the ending date range when adding accounting periods. The system uses this field during the Year End Close process, an automated process that rolls up all balances from the realized gain/loss accounts and income and expense ledger accounts and posts the balances to the accumulated undistributed gain loss ledger account (3003000100). You cannot edit this field after you create the entity. |
Termination Date | 1161 | Specifies the termination date of the entity. The TERMINATION_DATE column in the Entity table is used to indicate the date by which an entity should no longer be included in GIPS composites. |
Month End Date Rule | 5161 | Identifies the month end date rule that the entity uses to determine how the system identifies the monthly accounting date for an entity or master fund. You can select the default rule, DEFAULT, to use the last calendar day of the month as the monthly accounting date. You can also create your own custom month end date rules and specify a rule in this field. You cannot edit this field after you create the entity. The system stores the month end accounting date on all transactions booked to Eagle's Accounting solution, so it books as-of activity in the current accounting period but reflects the transaction in the monthly period in which it actually occurred. This allows you to report these transactions in the correct month end report without having to reopen closed daily valuation and accounting periods. You can generate several ledger and subledger reports based on the month end accounting date. |
Calendar Name | 1941 | Specifies the name of the entity's business calendar, which is used to define a specific country's non-business days for accounting purposes. Business calendars are user defined and typically set up by your system administrator. If you select a business calendar, the system creates an accounting period for each business day of the year, as specified in the selected business calendar. The value you enter for the Calendar Name field must match the value you enter for the Country of Tax Code and Earn Thru Rule Name fields. For example, if you enter CA (Canada) for the Country of Tax Code field, you must also enter CA for Calendar Name and Earn Thru Rule Name fields. After you select a value, the Non Business Day Processing field and Earn Thru Rule Name field become available. If you do not select a business calendar, the system creates an accounting period for each day of the year, including non-business days. For more information, see Manage Business Calendars. |
Non Business Day Processing | 3907 | Specifies how the system processes accrued interest on bonds or other fixed income securities on non-business days. Options include:
Earn Thru Rule Name | 8954 | Specifies how the system processes accrued interest when a series of non-business days fall on a month end, quarter end, semiannual, or year end date. This option is required if you select a value for the Calendar Name field. The calendar associated with the Earn Through Rule must match the value you enter for the Country of Tax Code and Calendar Name fields. And the Earn Thru Rule Name you select must have a Non Business Day Processing value that matches that defined for the entity. For more information, see Manage Earn Thru Rules. |
Earn Thru Rule ID | 8955 | Identifies the instance number of the Earn thru Rule Name field value. This field is hidden. Earn Thru Calendars define specific dates for which income, expense, and distribution are to be processed. This allows for reporting on month-end dates that fall on non-business days, by assigning a specific earn thru date, daily accounting date, and monthly accounting date to each processing date. For more information, see Manage Earn Thru Rules. |
Posting Cut Off Date | 11848 | Sets the cutoff date for posting transactions. |
Cash Segregation Fields |
Position Cash Segregation Basis Indicator | 11675 | Indicates whether to create a custody basis for the entity for use in cash segregation. Options include:
Custody Basis | 7002 | Specifies the name of the non primary accounting basis to add as a custody basis for use in cash segregation. The default value is CUST. This field appears if you set the Position Cash Segregation Basis Indicator field to a value of Yes. Tag 7002 is a work tag and is not stored. |
Conversion Fields |
Conversion Status | 1085 | Indicates the current status of the entity. The system allows you to select entities based on conversion status for certain types of global processing, such as corporate action announcements, and uses it in allocation processing. When an entity has a Converting status, the system does not generate allocation entries. The system is installed with a set of values for this field. After the conversion process is complete, the status is changed to Parallel. After the parallel test phase is complete, the status is changed to Live. You can add additional values using the Codes workspace for the CONVERT STATUS code category under the source Eagle PACE. Options include Converting, Live, and Parallel. |
Conversion Date | 3915 | Specifies the date the entity was converted to the system. |
Live Date | 3916 | Specifies the date the entity went live in the system. For reference only. |
Source Fields |
Entity Source Rule | 616 | Specifies the entity source rule. The entity source rule is designed to link the values in the Long Price Source, Short Price Source, Month End Long Price Source, Month End Short Price Source, 2A7 Price Source, FX Source, Variable Rate Source, and MTM Rate Source fields to a single rule name. You can use the Create Source Rule panel to add an entity source rule. |
Long Price Source | 1282 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing long security positions for the entity. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. |
Short Price Source | 5422 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing short security positions for the entity. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. |
FX Source | 1344 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing foreign exchange rates for the entity. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. Used for transactions and cash settlements. The system uses the value in this field when the entity's account base currency does not equal the security's asset currency. |
Valuation FX Source | 11652 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing foreign exchange rates for the entity. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. Used for valuation; that is, calculating market value. |
Forward Price Source | 2920 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing forward contracts. |
Variable Rate Source | 3301 | Specifies the source that the system uses to process earnings for variable and floating rates that are used for variable rate bonds with scheduled/unscheduled variable rates, floating rates, step coupon rates, and rates that measure inflation adjustment for the entity. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. If the source for the variable rate entered in the Variable Rate table does not match the Variable Rate Source value for the entity, Eagle Accounting does not use those values in the Earnings process. |
2A7 Price Source | 9051 | Specifies the pricing source that the system uses for money market funds for the entity. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. |
MTM Rate Source | 5064 | Specifies the pricing source that the system can use to mark foreign receivables to market. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. You can specify use of the MTM Rate Source or the FX Source (tag 1344) when you run the global mark to market process. |
Margin Price Source | 18041 | Specifies the pricing source for variation margin and unrealized gain/loss calculation. This allows the margin to tie to the clearing house while unrealized gain/loss can be run against a different vendor price source. The default is Eagle PACE. For more information, see Cleared Swaps Best Practices. |
Private Equity Price Source | 18452 | Specifies the pricing source the system uses to price private equity for the master fund. Use this option only if you use a private equity workflow for a private equity security with a processing security type (PST) of Capital Based Fund Investment (EQCBFI). In Eagle Accounting, you hold private equity as a single share in a fund and price it based on market value (MV). If you hold the same private equity investment across multiple funds and the funds have different commitment amounts, this pricing source allows you to value private equities with the appropriate MV rather than price all funds that hold the private equity with the same MV. The default value is Eagle PACE. |
Perf Nav Long Price | 18467 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing long security positions for the entity when you calculate a Performance NAV. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. |
Perf Nav Short Price | 18468 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing short security positions for the entity when you calculate a Performance NAV. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. |
Perf Nav Valuation Fx Source | 18469 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing foreign exchange rates for the entity when you calculate a Performance NAV. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. Used for valuation; that is, calculating market value. |
Perf Nav Forward Price Source | 18470 | Specifies the source that the system uses for pricing forward contracts when you calculate a Performance NAV. It displays the source associated with the specified Entity Source Rule field. |
NASDAQ Fields |
Open/Closed-end Fund | 1855 | Indicates whether the entity is an open-end or closed-end fund. |
NASDAQ Transmission Flag | 5162 | Specifies if and when a NAV is sent to NASDAQ. Options include:
NASDAQ Listing Start Date | 5163 | Specifies the begin date of the time period when a NAV for this share class can be marked for transmission to NASDAQ. |
NASDAQ Listing End Date | 5164 | Specifies the end date of the time period when a NAV for this share class can be marked for transmission to NASDAQ. |
Month End Fields |
Month End Processing Indicator | 9697 | Indicates whether the accounting basis is using month end processing, which allows you to report transactions in the correct month end report without having to reopen closed daily valuation and accounting periods. Options include:
Month End Long Price | 9676 | Specifies the month end pricing source for long positions. This option appears if you set the Month End Processing Indicator field to Yes. |
Month End Short Price | 9677 | Specifies the month end pricing source for short positions. This option appears if you set the Month End Processing Indicator field to Yes. |
Month End System Close Business Days | 12093 | Specifies the number of business days after the month end date that the automated close occurs. This option is used in Control Center to automatically close the month period. Any month end errors that exist on the day of automated month end close need to be overridden in Control Center in order to close the month end period. This hidden field appears only if you set the Month End Processing Indicator field to Yes. When the month end transaction close is automatically closed or manually closed in Control Center, the new month end ledger to subledger process is scheduled to run for transaction related accounts. The month end ledger to subledger process is also scheduled to run for valuation related accounts when a month end valuation close is either manually or automatically triggered. You must enter a value to use the Potential As of Activity report. |
Potential As Of Activity Business Days | 12094 | Specifies the number of business days after month end close for the potential as of activity period. The Potential as of Ledger Activity report uses this field to determine how as of ledger activity impacts the prior month end period. This includes transactions where the trade date, ex date, effective date, and settlement date are prior to the month end date, and are posted to the general ledger on the first business day after month end close up through the number of days in the Potential As of Activity Business Days field. This field appears if you set the Month End Processing Indicator field to Yes. |
Period Close Fields |
Accounting Period Rule | 2300 | In order to use period close rules, you must set up the Accounting Period Rule field (tag 2300) for each entity. The system uses the entity's Accounting Period Rule field in order to assign the accounting date for a transaction during processing. It also derives the accounting date based on the transaction's effective date (trade date) and based on the accounting period that is open at time of processing. Options include:
Accounting Date Rule Group | 4303 | Specifies the accounting date rule group for the master fund entity. An accounting date rule group identifies a set of entities for which you define period close rules applied across a group of funds. If this entity uses period close rules defined for a group of entities, this field Identifies that entity group. This field appears if you set the Accounting Period Rule field to Entity Group/Security Type/Message Type/Event Type, Entity Group/Security Type, or Entity Group. To use this functionality, you must set up a code, PERIOD CLOSE GRP, and store the group names in the Code Values table. NOTE: A master fund entity can belong to only one accounting date rule group. |
As of Month End Frequency | 10463 | Specifies a frequency for month end processing for a master fund. This value indicates which month ends are left open for as-of transactions. It is used with Control Center to automate the closing of month end periods. Options include:
10/31 Month End | 10464 | Indicates whether you can override the value in the As of Month End Frequency field. Options include:
Earnings/Amortization Fields |
Primary Amortization/Accretion Rule | 3197 | Specifies the amortization/accretion rule for the primary accounting basis that the system uses to process earnings. You can set up amortization/accretion rules for IFRS that amortize average cost portfolios on an effective yield basis. See Set Up an Entity/Accounting Basis for Amortization for more information. NOTE: If you change the Primary Amortization Rule at the accounting basis level, the next time you process earnings the system creates a retrospective amortization rule calculation from the original settlement date of the trade (on all open lots). The system calculates the trade yield based on the primary amortization/accretion rule for the entity, so it is important to keep the values that exist on the entity and the primary accounting basis consistent. The system updates value changed on the entity panel via the primary accounting basis, but does not change entity values when you make the change through the Edit a Basis on a Portfolio panel. |
Gain/Loss on Paydowns | 1871 | Specifies how the system handles the gain/loss on paydowns (repayment of part of an outstanding loan balance) for the entity/accounting basis. This option is used with factor based debt instruments such as mortgage backed securities. For more information, see Understand Mortgage-backed (MBS) and Asset-backed (ABS) Securities. Options include:
Paydown Gain/Loss Account | 4519 | Determines whether the gain/loss is posted to the capital or income ledger account for the entity/accounting basis. This option appears when you set the Gain/Loss on Paydowns field to Gain/Loss. For more information, see Set Up Entities for MBS and ABS. Options include:
Principal Loss on Paydown Processing Flag | 2925 | Allows you to select the method in which to process the principal loss on a paydown. The system uses the Principal Loss Factor field (tag 2926) value specified for the final factor to process the principal loss. For more information, see Set Up Entities for MBS and ABS. Options include:
Coupon Spreading Period | 637 | Specifies how the system spreads income deferrals for the entity. This option allows Eagle Accounting to spread accruals of securities, which have a 30 in the numerator of the securities' day count calculation, over a Monthly period, the Coupon period of the security, or None at all. Options include:
Call Redemption Gain/ Loss Indicator | 8916 | Indicates whether the system processes gains/losses on calls, puts, and pre-refund corporate actions for the entity/primary accounting basis. This option is required if you process debt instruments. For more information, see About Entity Setup for Calls, Puts, and Pre-Refunds. Options include:
Sinking Fund Payment Redemption Gain/Loss Flag | 9923 | Specifies how the system processes gains and losses for sinking funds. Options include:
Unrealized Gain/Loss Posting | 5383 | Indicates whether the system automatically posts unrealized gains/losses to the ledger during valuation. Options include:
Final Close Income Recognition Date | 10070 | Specifies how the system recognizes closed earnings, amortization, and OID (Original Issue Discount) amortization. It determines on what dates the system posts the income that occurs on a disposition transaction. Options include:
Coupon Cash Entitlement Level | 11852 | Specifies the level at which the system drops coupons. Options include Position Level and Lot Level. |
Essential Income Flag | 12025 | Enables essential and non-essential income reporting to track and report interest income separately from other non-taxable income. Options include Yes and No. |
Accrual Convention Offset | 12038 | Specifies when the system begins earnings accruals. The method you select does not affect coupon payments because the number evens out on the last day and the coupon generated is the same. However, it does affect valuation and Eagle Performance calculations. You can use the Accrual Convention Offset Override field to override this setting at the trade level for Buy Sellback/Sell Buyback trades. For more information, Set Up Entities for Buy Sellback and Sell Buyback Trades. Options include:
ILB Gain/Loss Flag | 3856 | Indicates how Eagle Accounting treats the catch-up inflationary income that occurs at maturity for deflation protected Inflation linked bonds in the event that the index ratio at maturity is less than the ILB Min Index Ratio. For more information, see Understand Inflation Linked Bonds. Options include:
No Negative Income Flag | 3857 | Determines whether the system allows a tax lot to have negative life to date income. The option to prevent a tax lot from having life to date negative income is only available for Identified Cost tax lots. This field appears if you set the Cost Method field to a value of Identified. Options include:
IO Security Amort/Income Flag | 17387 | Determines how the system recognizes amortization and accretion on the General Ledger for securities with a processing security type (PST) of Interest Only Factor Based Debt Instrument (DBFBIO). Options include:
Basis Processing Rule |
Basis Processing Rule Name | 7152 | Specifies the name of the processing rule to use for the entity and accounting basis. This rule contains securities and the associated security processing rules to be used for accounting processing/treatment. |
Basis Processing Rule ID | 2965 | Specifies the instance of the processing rule to be used for the entity and accounting basis. |
SEC Fields |
SEC Yield Rule Name | 5736 | Links the entity to an SEC yield rule. You can use the Create SEC Yield Rule panel to add the rule. |
Other Information Fields |
Tax ID Number | 1341 | Specifies the tax identification number for the entity. For reference only. |
Manager ID | 1149 | Specifies the identification number of the entity manager. For reference only. |
Inception Value | 1160 | Specifies the monetary value of the entity at the inception date. For reference only. |
S2P Direct Interface Fields |
Delta Process Flag | 4758 | Indicates whether the entity's backdated transactions and affected position records are transferred from STAR to PACE for reporting purposes using the STAR to PACE Direct Interface. Options include:
Create Performance Cash Flows In PACE | 5398 | Indicates whether the STAR/PACE integration procedure processes cash currency and copies cash flow information for reporting by Eagle's Performance solution. Options include:
Store Cash Positions In PACE | 5563 | Indicates whether the STAR/PACE integration procedure exports the entity's cash positions from STAR to PACE. Options include:
Value at Cost - No Price Found | 11454 | Specifies whether to use the cost value when no price is found for the selected entity/accounting basis. This setting does not affect futures contracts market values. If you run STAR to PACE Direct in Batch mode using the Recent price option (that is, you set the Price Date Switch to Recent in the Transfer Data - Batch panel), be aware that any recent price is used before the asset is priced at cost. Options include:
Portfolio Turnover |
Group Name | 5336 | Specifies the group name of the Portfolio Turnover reporting rules used to exclude transactions from the Portfolio Turnover reports for the entity. You can add additional values using the Codes workspace for the PTGROUP code category under the source Eagle PACE, and then use the Portfolio Turnover Exclude Rules panels to manage the transactions to exclude for this group name. If you do not specify a group name, the system uses portfolio turnover exclude rules that are not assigned to a group. Define a portfolio turnover group name at the entity level only if you need a single rule profile to calculate and run the entity's portfolio turnover calculation and report details. If you need multiple portfolio turnover calculations based on different rule setups, you can define a Group Name for the Portfolio Turnover report profile. |
Process Center Fields |
Process Center | 4896 | Specifies the entity's process center. A process center allows you to group entities into centers to control the timing of global processes such as accruals, corporate action processing, maturities, contractual cash settlements, and STAR to PACE Direct processes. If specified, the system uses the date associated with the process center as the post date on all transactions. NOTE: Eagle strongly recommends the use of process centers. |
Business Processing Group | 16566 | Specifies the business processing group for the entity. Business processing groups allow for the customization of Automated Event Wrapper (AEW) event group processing and allow you to segregate multiple business lines on a single production region of STAR. You can assign a Business Processing Group code value at the entity level and link it to custom Automated Event Wrapper event groups that contain only the needed steps for the specific client or workflow. |
Accrue Cash Balance Fields |
Cash Sweep | 4515 | Indicates whether the system can perform cash sweeps into a short term investment fund (STIF) security for the entity. For more information, see Set Up Entities for Cash Sweeps. Options include:
Minimum Balance | 16726 | Specifies the amount of the minimum balance needed in order for the system to perform a cash sweep into a STIF for the entity. You must specify a positive number. If you specify a value and the cash balance is positive, the system sweeps cash into a STIF for the entity and creates cash sweep transactions only if the balance is equal to or greater than the minimum balance. If you specify a minimum balance and the cash balance is negative, sweep processing always occurs to cover that negative balance. For more information, see Set Up Entities for Cash Sweeps. |
Lookup STIF Issue Name | 301 | Specifies the issue name of the STIF security associated with cash sweeps for this entity. You can select a Short Term Investment Fund/Vehicle with a processing security type of STIF (DBSTST) or Mutual Fund (EQEQMF) for use with cash sweep processing. For Eagle Accounting to process the cash sweep, the STIF security’s asset currency must match the entity’s Account Base Currency (tag 86) value. This field appears when you set Cash Sweep to Yes. For more information, see Set Up Entities for Cash Sweeps. |
Lookup STIF Asset ID | 364 | Specifies the primary asset ID of the STIF security associated with cash sweeps for this entity. You can select a Short Term Investment Fund/Vehicle with a processing security type of STIF (DBSTST) or Mutual Fund (EQEQMF) for use with cash sweep processing. For Eagle Accounting to process the cash sweep, the STIF security’s asset currency must match the entity’s Account Base Currency (tag 86) value. This field appears when you set Cash Sweep to Yes. For more information, see Set Up Entities for Cash Sweeps. |
Cap Stock Fields |
Par | 642 | Specifies the par value of capital stock. This value is used when determining shares of capital stock. |
STAR Initial NAV | 3634 | Specifies the initial NAV per share class as of the STAR conversion date. You can specify this value at the share class level if the entity contains more than one share class. |
Rounding Tolerance | 645 | Specifies the tolerance used to calculate dilution when processing capital stock. Enter the value for this field as a percentage. A default value of .005 appears. |
Track Settled Shares | 625 | Determines if the settled shares balance is calculated as part of the cap stock process. Options include Yes and No. |
Cap Stock Settlement Method | 629 | Identifies the settlement method of capital stock. This option is required if you set the Track Settled Shares field to Yes. Options include FIFO and ID. |
Redemption Fee Posting Level | 633 | Determines the level for posting redemption fees. Options include:
Automated Dilution | 640 | Specifies whether to calculate dilution amounts for multiple class funds. The dilution calculation varies depending on whether the entity is a money market fund or fixed income/equity daily or non-daily distributing mutual fund. For money market funds, the Entity Type field must be set to MM (money market). For daily and non-daily distributing mutual fund entities, the Entity Type field must be set to MF (mutual fund). The current allocation rule is used to allocate the dilution amount across the classes. The dilution general ledger capital account is added to the existing rule used by the master fund and references the allocation method used to allocate the dilution amount across the share classes. Options include Yes and No (Default). |
Equate NAVs | 2909 | Specifies whether the system calculates the divergence for equating the NAVs. Options include:
Capital/Income Processing | 2775 | Determines whether capital/income processing for NAV calculations is enabled. Options include:
Equalization Calculation | 18571 | Determines when deemed income for capital stock transactions is posted. This field appears when you set Capital/Income Processing to Yes. Options include:
Variable Annuity Processing |
Net Investment Factor Constant Override | 638 | Indicates whether you want to process earnings for non-business days. Options include Yes and No (Default). |
Net Investment Factor Expense Rate | 646 | Specifies the net investment factor expense rate. |
NAV Processing |
NAV Rounding | 10064 | Specifies the NAV rounding precision that is used when translating the NAV into local currencies. Options include Round (Default) and Truncate. |
Number of NAV Digits | 10065 | Specifies the number of decimal places to which the NAV value rounds. You can select a value from 0 to 9. The default value is 2. |
NAV Rule | 16850 | Identifies the name of the NAV rule for the master fund. The NAV ledger rule defines a range of ledger accounts that the system uses to calculate a total net asset value. When you use preferred shares processing, you can specify a NAV rule for the master fund to exclude preferred shares ledger accounts from the total net asset calculation amount. |
WAM WAL Data Source | 18564 | Specifies the data source for the Weighted Average Maturity report or Weighted Average Life report. Options include:
Wam Election | 18059 | Used when calculating Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) during the NAV Calculation process. For money market portfolio composite types, the system can use either a valid option or a NULL value to calculate WAM. For mutual fund portfolio composite types, you must specify an option other than None (N or NULL) for the system to calculate WAM. This option identifies the source of the call, put, or step dates. It also indicates whether to include or exclude cash securities with a processing security type of Currency (CRCRCR). For additional information, see Set Up Master Fund Reference Data for WAM/WAL Calculation. Options include:
Wal Election | 18060 | Used when calculating Weighted Average Life (WAL) during the NAV Calculation process. For money market portfolio composite types, the system can use either a valid option or a NULL value to calculate WAL. For mutual fund portfolio composite types, you must specify an option other than None (N or NULL) for the system to calculate WAL. This option identifies the source of the call, put, or step dates. It also indicates whether to include or exclude cash securities with a processing security type of Currency (CRCRCR). For additional information, see Set Up Master Fund Reference Data for WAM/WAL Calculation. Options include:
Short Term Floating Rate Security Treatment | 18291 | Allows you to use the next refix date in the calculation of days to maturity for the short term floating rate securities instead of 1 day. Options include:
Allocation Fields |
Class Allocation Rule | 3903 | Specifies the class allocation rule that the system uses to allocate activity to the share classes. If you set the NAV Election field to Intraday and select a value in the Intraday NAV Processing Rule, this field displays the selected intraday NAV processing rule. During processing, the system uses the class allocation rule associated with the sequence in the selected intraday NAV processing rule. |
Intraday NAV Processing Rule | 2301 | Identifies the intraday NAV processing rule the master fund uses for intraday NAV processing. The system uses the ledger account range from the NAV processing rule along with the class allocation rule identified in the NAV processing rule to allocate balances to each share class for each NAV sequence for class allocations and NAV calculation as well as the original pricing source for each intraday NAV calculation. This field appears if you set the NAV Election field to a value of Intraday. |
Master Feeder Fund Allocation Rule | 1889 | Specifies the master feeder allocation rule that the master fund uses if it is a master feeder fund. Master feeder allocation rules allow a master feeder fund to allocate income, expense, unrealized gains and losses, and realized gains and losses to the feeder fund. This field appears if you set the Master/Feeder Fund Type field to a value of Master Feeder. |
Sector Allocation Rule | 3945 | Specifies the sector allocation rule that the system uses to allocate activity to a sector. |
Performance Share Profile - Expenses and Distributions | 636 | Specifies the ledger profile that contains expense and distribution general ledger accounts that the system uses to calculate performance shares for the sectors. This process calculates performance NAVs on sectors by capitalizing expenses and distributions. |
Performance Share Profile – Reinvestments | 3923 | Specifies the ledger profile that contains reinvestment general ledger accounts that the system uses to calculate performance shares for the sectors. This process calculates performance NAVs on sectors by capitalizing reinvestments. |
Cash Equiv Allocation | 4524 | Indicates whether the fund uses the cash equivalent allocation process to calculate a total cash balance for all of the sectors in a multi-sector fund for allocation into a short-term overnight investment. Options include:
Cash Equiv Currency | 4525 | Specifies the currency of the cash balance of the master fund that is swept into the repo. This option is typically set to the entity's base currency. This option is required if you set Cash Equiv Allocation to Yes. |
Allocate Master Fund Cash Activity to Sectors | 12069 | Determines whether you allow the system to transfer cash activity residing at the master fund level to the master fund's associated sector entities. The actual transfer of the cash activity facilitates accurate reporting and mutual fund performance calculations at the sector level. The system allocates cash to sectors during sector allocation when you use the Post Sector Allocation Entries panel. Options include:
FOF Allocation Rule | 11524 | Determines how to perform fund of fund (FOF) allocations for the master fund. Fund of funds processing enables you to allocate a master fund’s cash inflows and outflows across its underlying fund investments. The available allocation methods use the market value of its underlying funds. The investment ownership in each fund of fund is calculated by dividing each underlying security’s market value to the total market value of all underlying securities. Given the nature of the FOF fund structure, it is necessary to allocate the master fund’s cash inflows and outflows across the underlying funds, utilizing set allocation ratios. |
Share Class Fields |
Load Charge | 5165 | Specifies the load charge for the share class. |
Load Effective Date | 5166 | Specifies the effective date of the load charge. |
Minimum Yield | 4992 | Indicates the minimum yield that a daily distributing master fund entity must obtain. The system requires a minimum yield to process expense reimbursements. If the net investment income (NII) process calculates a yield below this threshold, it recalculates the distribution amount to equal this threshold. The system automatically posts the difference to a dividend expense reimbursement account. The minimum yield is reported as a percentage; however, you must enter it as a numerical value. You can also enter a value for this field using the Create Entity Share Class Information panel. |
Share Class Hedging | 18045 | Determines if the share class elects share class hedging. Share class hedging allows a share class to have exposure to assets/securities denominated in a foreign currency without the associated currency risk of the base currency of the fund. A share class can elect to use share class hedging in order to allow Eagle Accounting to allocate the currency gain/loss directly to the hedge class. Options include:
Fund Distribution Fields |
Daily Distribution Method | 3904 | Specifies the method the system uses to calculate the daily income distribution amount. Options include:
Fixed/NII/Set Rate Distribution Shares | 3906 | Specifies the share base of the fixed, net investment income (NII), or set rate distribution. This option is required if you set the Daily Distribution Method field to Fixed Rate, Net Investment Income, or Set Rate. Options include Outstanding Shares and Settled Shares. |
Income - Periodic Distribution Shares | 3905 | Specifies the share base for entities that do not distribute daily. Options include Outstanding Shares and Settled Shares. |
LT - Capital Gain Periodic Distribution Shares | 3697 | Determines whether the fund uses settled or outstanding shares to calculate the distribution amount for periodic long term capital gain distributions. |
ST - Capital Gain Periodic Distribution Shares | 3698 | Determines whether the fund uses settled or outstanding shares to calculate the distribution amount for periodic short term capital gain distributions. |
Daily Distribution Adjustment | 8560 | Specifies the share base of the fixed or net investment income (NII) distribution. This option is required if you set the Daily Distribution Method field to Fixed Rate, or Net Investment Income. Options include Outstanding Share and Settled Shares. |
Net Investment Income Rule | 3909 | Specifies a valid net investment income rule. For more information, see Manage NII Distribution Rules. |
Late Activity Distribution Adjustment | 11959 | Flags late activity distribution adjustments. For example, if you set the Daily Distribution Method field to Net Investment Income and you set this field to Yes, you have the option of reversing late activity and reprocessing net investment income to include late distribution activity. For more information, see Understand NII Distribution Adjustments. Options include Yes and No. |
Distribution Absorption Method | 4957 | Determines how to allocate an income distribution when it falls under a defined threshold. Options include:
Net Investment Income Split Method | 5045 | Determines the method to use for split dividend processing. Split dividend processing allows you to split mil rates when ex-dates occur on non business dates. This option appears if you set the Daily Distribution Method field to a value of Net Investment Income. You can select a method if you set the Non Business Day Processing field (tag 3907) to a value of Process with Previous Business Day. If you use split dividend processing, you must add a distribution schedule that identifies the ex-dates. Options include:
Periodic Distribution Rule | 2776 | Identifies the periodic distribution rule that applies to the election of capital/income processing. This option is required if you set Capital/Income Processing field to Yes. You can use the Create /Update Periodic Distribution Rule panel to add this rule, which provides the ability to select the ledger accounts to categorize for deemed income, dividend income, interest income, and other income and expenses. |
Waterfall Waiver Hierarchy Rule - Fund | 16730 | Identifies the waterfall waiver NII hierarchy fund rule for waterfall waiver yield to minimum distribution adjustments. This field appears if you set the Daily Distribution Method to Net Investment Income, set Special Waiver Processing to Waterfall Waiver Daily or to Waterfall Waiver FYTD, and set the Distribution Absorption Method field to Waterfall Waiver. |
Waterfall Waiver Hierarchy Rule - Class | 7038 | Identifies the waterfall waiver NII hierarchy class rule for waterfall waiver yield to minimum distribution adjustments. This field appears if you set the Daily Distribution Method to Net Investment Income, set Special Waiver Processing to Waterfall Waiver Daily or to Waterfall Waiver FYTD, and set the Distribution Absorption Method field to Waterfall Waiver. |
Expense Reimbursement Tier Rule | 5038 | Identifies the expense reimbursement tier rule. An expense reimbursement tier rule allows a fund to waive expenses to separate waiver accounts if expenses exceed income in a fund that elects to fully distribute net investment income (NII). If you do not specify an expense reimbursement tier rule, the system reimburses expenses to one default ledger account for fund dividend expense reimbursement if expenses exceed income in a fund that elects to fully distribute net investment income. This option appears if you set the Distribution Absorption Method field to a value of Expense Reimbursement. For more information, see Manage NII Expense Reimbursement Rules. |
Mutual Fund Yield Divisor | 5040 | Specifies the yield divisor used to calculate a yield for mutual funds that use net investment income (NII) distribution processing. Options include:
Tax Fields |
Taxable Indicator | 1143 | Indicates whether the entity/primary accounting basis is taxable. For reference only. For more information, see Manage Tax Withholding and Reclaim Processing. Options include:
Accrue Interest Tax Indicator | 3911 | Indicates whether the system accrues interest for tax withholding and reclaims. For more information, see Manage Tax Withholding and Reclaim Processing. Options include:
Tax Accounting Method | 3912 | Specifies how the system processes tax withholdings and reclaims on dividends and other interest transactions. For more information, see Tax Accounting Method Examples. Options include:
Entity Tax Type | 3929 | Defines the entity's tax status and allows you to group entities for tax accounting purposes. The system uses this value to calculate tax withholding and tax reclaim rates. You can group entities by entity tax type, entity tax qualifier, or both. Options for this field are user defined. The system is installed with a set of values for this field. You can add additional values for this field for the ENTITY TAX TYPE code category under the source Eagle PACE using the Codes workspace. For more information, see Manage Tax Withholding and Reclaim Processing. Note that Eagle Accounting does provide an All option in the Entity Tax Type code value as part of the default script, so that it can be used as a wild card in the Global Tax table. However, you should not use the All option in the entity setup, because it limits your institution's ability to have extremely flexible tax nomenclature or structure. |
Entity Tax Qualifier | 3930 | Defines the entity's tax status and allows you to group entities for tax reporting purposes. The system uses this value field to calculate tax withholding and tax reclaim rates. You can group entities by entity tax type, entity tax qualifier, or by both. Options for this field are user defined. The system is installed with a set of values for this field. You can add additional code values for this field using the Codes workspace for the ETAX QUALIFIER code category under the source Eagle PACE. This option is required if you set Tax Accounting Method to Gross Liability Method or Net Method. For more information, see Manage Tax Withholding and Reclaim Processing. |
Tax Exempt Processing Flag | 4948 | Determines whether income is posted to taxable or tax exempt general ledger accounts. This field works with the Federal Tax Indicator field (tag 1545), which exists at the security level. The Tax Exempt Processing Flag field impacts the Net Investment Income (NII) process when calculating the mixed expense taxable allocation percentage. If this field set to Yes, the net distributable income is processed against tax exempt income and expenses. Options include:
Corporate Action Fields |
Cost Allocation Indicator For Rights Issues | 3917 | Identifies the cost allocation for rights issues. If you do not select a value, the system uses Allocate Cost as the default. Options include:
Treatment Of Fractional Shares Override | 8251 | Specifies how the system treats fractional shares. A fractional share is less than a single share of stock. It often results from stock splits, stock dividends, and similar corporate action events. The value in this field overrides the fractional shares value on corporate action announcement panels. Options include:
Corporate Action FX Rule | 9705 | Specifies the foreign exchange rate that the system uses for posting corporate actions. Options include:
Awarded Rights Expiration Rule | 9921 | Specifies how the system handles the treatment of loss generated by the expiration of a right or warrant. Options include:
Cash Div Cash Entitlement Level | 9922 | Specifies whether to use lots or positions to determine cash entitlements for cash dividends. Options include:
Cash Dividend Distribution | 3928 | Specifies whether cash dividends are paid for corporate actions. It is used for Fund of Funds Distributions. Options include Yes and No. |
Taxable Override Indicator | 11081 | Determines whether the system treats taxable mergers as nontaxable for the entity/accounting basis. Options include:
Non Tax Merger Close Method | 11495 | Specifies the method to use to close lots on the original security for non-taxable mergers. Options include:
Calls,Puts,Refunds,Principal Repay,Cash Tender Prorata Close Flag | 17388 | Specifies how the system processes CA_CASH_CLOSE events that affect Calls, Puts, Refunds, Principal Repayments, and Cash Tender corporate actions for the share class. Determines whether the system relieves lots on a prorata basis or based on lot selection method. Options include:
Rights and Warrants Expire Delay Days | 4605 | Specifies the number of days to delay the expiration of rights and warrants, allowing you to delay the maturity processing of rights and warrants. The default is 0 (zero days). |
Limit Gain Loss Eligible | 2487 | Determines if gain loss processing occurs for corporate actions for certain cash/stock mergers. Requires the Limit Gain Loss Indicator field to be set to Yes on the corporate actions panel to be in effect. When applicable, at the lot level, the gain associated with these mergers is the lesser of the cash amount or the gain to be recognized had the entire transaction been taxable. If the result is a loss, it is disallowed. The disallowed component is then treated as a return of capital. In the case of certain taxable mergers, any loss that is generated at the lot level is disallowed. There are U.S. tax provisions that limit the amount of reportable gains and losses for certain mergers with taxable components. Options include:
Expiry Date Processing | 12877 | Indicates whether the entity allows you to process voluntary corporate actions based on expiration date. You can override this value at the voluntary corporate action election level. For more information, see Process Voluntary Corporate Actions based on Expiry Date. Options include:
Voluntary Restriction Processing | 16658 | Indicates whether the entity automatically processes restrictions/pledges on voluntary corporate actions. For more information, see Restrict Shares When Booking Voluntary Corporate Actions. Options include:
Release Proration Pledge | 16865 | If the entity uses voluntary restriction processing for corporate actions, indicates whether the entity automatically releases shares originally elected or automatically releases just the shares processed, if the corporate action was prorated. That is, if you apply a Proration Percent (tag 8081) value to the announcement and use voluntary restriction processing for voluntary elections, this option affects whether the system releases the prorated amount of the pledge or the entire pledge amount. Options include:
Income/Prepayment Fee Treatment | 16739 | Identifies the types of corporate actions for the entity's selected accounting basis that use the income/prepayment fee treatment. The income/prepayment fee treatment supports NAIC accounting requirements relating to prepayment penalties, acceleration fees, and make-whole call provision fees on bonds. The system uses this setting in conjunction with the Income/Prepayment Fee Treatment field applied at the corporate action transaction level. For more information, see Understand Income/Prepayment Fee Treatment. Options include:
NOTE: If you enable use of the income/prepayment fee treatment for specific types of corporate actions at the entity/basis level, be aware that the system does not consider the basis level Redemption Gain/Loss Indicator field setting for transactions that use the income/prepayment fee treatment. If you set the Redemption Gain/Loss Indicator field to Amortization, the system treats those transactions as if you set the Redemption Gain/Loss Indicator field to Gain/Loss. |
Settlement Fields |
Contract Settle Indicator | 3919 | Specifies the settlement date the system uses when contractually settling trades and/or income. Options include:
Contract Cash Settlement Rule Name | 11833 | Specifies the name of the contract cash settlement rule that the system uses to determine whether to settle trades through the contract cash process, based on processing security type or security. You can select one of the following default contract cash rules or can add your own custom rules. Options include:
Auto Settle Indicator | 58 | Indicates whether the system settles trades, coupons, and miscellaneous income and expenses automatically. Options include:
Settlement Tolerance Income | 527 | Specifies the acceptable dollar amount tolerance when performing partial manual settlements of income. During partial settlement, this field displays a warning if the difference between the actual settlement amount and the contractual settlement amount exceeds the specified tolerance. |
Settle Tolerance Trade | 528 | Specifies the acceptable dollar amount tolerance when performing partial manual settlements of trades. During partial settlement, this field displays a warning if the difference between the actual settlement amount and the contractual settlement amount exceeds the specified tolerance. |
Settle Percent Tolerance Income | 769 | Specifies the acceptable percent tolerance when performing partial manual settlements of income. During partial settlement, this field displays a warning if the difference between the actual settlement amount and the contractual settlement amount exceeds the specified tolerance. You need to enter the value for this field as a whole number. |
Settle Percent Tolerance Trade | 770 | Specifies the acceptable percent tolerance when performing partial manual settlements of trades. During partial settlement, this field displays a warning if the difference between the actual settlement amount and the contractual settlement amount exceeds the specified tolerance. You need to enter the value for this field as a whole number. |
Cash Suspense Processing | 3950 | Indicates whether the system performs cash suspense processing. Cash suspense processing is started when the system attempts to settle transactions that do not match (the system cannot find a receivable or payable to settle). Options include:
Replay Suspense Activity | 12074 | Specifies whether to activate the process that matches up a trade cancellation with the settlement, reverses the settlement, and replays the matching process. If there is no match, the item is posted into suspense. This can also apply to corporate actions. This field appears when you set Cash Suspense Processing to Yes and is required under that circumstance. Options include:
Cash Breakage Election | 12071 | Indicates whether breakage activity is posted to the income account (4002000300) or both the principal account (3009000200) and income account. Options include Income (Default) and Both Principal and Income. |
Soft Segregation | 12021 | Determines whether a fund is eligible for soft segregation. Options include No (Default) and Yes. If you select Yes, the Delayed Settlements Tolerance field becomes available. |
Delayed Settlements Tolerance | 649 | Determines the threshold for considering a soft segregable asset a leveraged asset. For example, if the tolerance is 5 days and the trade is 6 days past the settlement date, it is considered delayed and it is displayed in the leveraged assets section of the Leverage and Good Cover Assets report. This option is required if you set the Soft Segregation field to Yes. The field defaults to the value 5 and you can change it. |
Expense Fields |
Expense Payment Offset Account | 12037 | Specifies the offset account to use for expense payments for budgeted and variable expenses. When you process expense settlements, the system reclassifies the expense payable to the specified account. You must specify a general ledger account to carry accruals forward for budgeted expenses and compare payments to preset tolerances. If you leave this field blank, the system offsets the budgeted and variable expense payments to cash. |
Disable Expense Reimbursement Recoupment | 760 | Determines whether to disable the recoupment of expense reimbursements. Options include:
Expense Election | 4952 | Determines whether to replicate expense accruals and cash settlements across accounting bases. Options include:
Special Waiver Processing | 16642 | Identifies the special waiver processing method that the master fund uses. For more information, see Manage Special Waivers for Expenses. Options include:
Forward Fields |
Forward Position By Broker | 3913 | Indicates whether to use the broker code to distinguish forward contracts made with a different broker but the same two currencies and maturity date. Options include:
Net Forwards Positions | 3924 | Indicates whether the entity allows closes of forward contracts. Options include:
Forward Settlement Currency | 3926 | Specifies the settlement currency to use for closing a forward contract. The system creates receivable and payable records based on the value in this field. Values for this field are maintained in code category CURRENCY CODE under the source Eagle PACE on the Code Values table. |
Forward Security Exists | 675 | Indicates whether you must add the forward contract to the security master file prior to booking a forward trade. A forward contract is a type of foreign exchange transaction whereby a contract is made to exchange one currency for another at a fixed date in the future at a specified exchange rate. Options include:
Futures Fields |
Net Futures Positions | 632 | Indicates whether you can book short future trades. Options include:
Future Clearing Broker Code | 634 | Specifies the clearing broker. You can add additional values using the Codes workspace for the CLEARING BROKER code category under the source Eagle PACE. |
Future Cost Ledger Method | 641 | Specifies how the system records the futures cost in the general ledger. Options include:
Options Fields |
Net Option Positions | 639 | Indicates whether you can process write and buy cover option transactions. Options include:
Option And Futures Expire Delay Days | 12101 | Specifies the number of days to delay the expiration of options and futures to delay the maturity processing of options and futures. The default is 0 (zero days). |
Caps/Floors Fields | ||
Net Cap Floor | 5830 | Determines how the system stores cap/floor contracts. For more information, see Set Up Entities for Caps and Floors. Options include:
Control Center |
Control Center Entity | 10462 | Indicates if you can view an entity's status using the Control Center. The Control Center allows you to view entity statuses for all system events in real time. The Control Center provides a central location for applying business edits, reviewing and controlling transactions, and performing valuations and audits of entities. Options include:
Auto Close Indicator | 8253 | Specifies which periods to automatically close for funds when using the Automatic Audit Close process. This process searches for entities in a valuation close status, ensures that the audit status on the NAV Recon Status panel is cleared, and then automatically closes audit periods for funds that meet the criteria. This option is required if you set the Control Center Entity field to Yes. Options include:
Trading Gain/Loss Rule Id | 9231 | Specifies the trading gain/loss rule for the entity. The trading gain/loss process determines the impact of a trade by comparing a transaction's trade price to the prior market price. This option is required if you set the Control Center Entity field to Yes. Options include:
Control Center Entity Tests | 2298 | Specifies how you assign edit tests during fund setup. This option is required if you set the Control Center Entity field to Yes. Options include:
Control Center Process Center | 11407 | Specifies the control center process center code for the entity. The Control Center uses this code for queries and processes that push edit test result data to the Status Map tables. This option is required if you set the Control Center Entity field to Yes. |
Control Center Daily Map | 3975 | Specifies the daily Control Center status map used for the entity. This field appears when you set the Control Center Entity field to Yes. |
Control Center Monthly Map | 80 | Specifies the month end Control Center status map used for the entity. This field appears when you set the Month End Processing Indicator field (tag 9697) to Yes and you set the Control Center Entity field to Yes. |
Entity Level Engine Routing |
Entity Engine Number | 4623 | Specifies the STAR engine used primarily by the entity. |
Entity Engine Description | 7025 | Displays the description associated with the Entity Engine Number. |
Partition Assignment |
Entity Partition | 1334 | Specifies the segment of the database where you store the entity transactions. Entity partitioning is used for strategic high volume clients that require partitioning of the ESTAR database schema. Eagle clients that do not use partitioning use the default value of 1. |
Tax Equalization Fields |
European Equalization Flag | 11540 | Specifies whether to run Equalization for the for the fund's primary accounting basis. You can use the European Equalization calculation to support German Tax and EU Savings calculations. |
European Equalization Method | 11541 | Specifies the method to use for the selected share class. Individual classes can use different methods. This option is required if you set European Equalization Flag to Yes. Options include Settled Shares and Outstanding Shares. |
European Equalization Rule Name | 11543 | Specifies the European Equalization Rule name to use. This option is required if you set the European Equalization Flag field to Yes. |
Lead/Clone Fields |
Lead/Clone Assignment | 9611 | Specifies whether to identify the entity as lead entity or clone entity for use by the Control Center's NAV Lead/Clone query. If this entity is a:
Transfer Agent Fields | ||
Transfer Agent Name | 3627 | Specifies the name of the transfer agent for the entity. |
Transfer Agent Account Number | 3628 | Specifies the account number of the transfer agent for the entity. |
NOA Allocation Rules | ||
NOA Class Allocation Rule | 12051 | Specifies the allocation rule to use for performing class allocation for total fund and sector specific local Net Other Assets (NOA) and market value to individual classes. |
Retail Performance |
Generate Dummy Share Class ID | 7006 | Determines whether to generate a dummy share class ID. Options include Yes and No. |
Share Class ID | 2421 | Specifies a Share Class ID, which is used for Retail Fund Performance. |
Check to validate Share Class ID is unique | 7010 | Determines whether to validate the Share Class ID. Options are Yes and No. |
Retail Performance Fields |
Performance Fund | 7009 | Indicates if this is a performance fund. Options include No (default) and Yes. |
Share Class Level Options
In the Create Master Fund panel, you can use the lower pane to add one or more share classes for the master fund. You can create a share class at the Total Fund (TF) level and additional share classes. To add share classes at a later time, you can use the Entity Share Class Information panels.
Option | Tag | Description |
Share Class Identification |
Share Class | 34 | Specifies the share class code. You can set up additional values for the Share Class Code field using the Codes workspace. In the Master Fund panel, the default value for the master fund's first share class row is TF (Total Fund). |
Share Class Name | 3626 | Specifies the share class name associated with the Share Class code. In the Master Fund panel, the default value for the master fund's first share class row is TF (Total Fund). |
Fund to Fund / Underlying Fund Identification |
Held As Security | 10847 | Identifies the fund as a multi class fund. Options include Yes and No (Default). If you select Yes, the NAV Price Precision field and the Primary Asset ID field appear. |
NAV Price Precision | 10848 | Specifies the number of digits for the NAV precision. This option is required if you set Held as Security to Yes. |
Primary Asset ID | 1795 | Specifies the security identifier of the security representing the fund. For example, EQEQMF for funds making period distributions and DBMFDD for funds making daily distributions. This option is required if you set Held as Security to Yes. |
Cash Segregation Fields |
Position Cash Segregation Basis Indicator | 11675 | Indicates whether to create a custody basis for the entity for use in cash segregation. Options include:
Custody Basis | 7002 | Specifies the name of the non primary accounting basis to add as a custody basis for use in cash segregation. The default value is CUST. This field appears if you set the Position Cash Segregation Basis Indicator field to a value of Yes. Tag 7002 is a work tag and is not stored. |
Source Fields |
MTM Rate Source | 5064 | Displays the master fund's pricing source that the system can use to mark foreign receivables to market. |
NASDAQ Fields |
NASDAQ Listing Start Date | 5163 | Specifies the begin date of the time period when a NAV for this share class can be marked for transmission to NASDAQ. |
NASDAQ Listing End Date | 5164 | Specifies the end date of the time period when a NAV for this share class can be marked for transmission to NASDAQ. |
Earnings/Amortization Fields |
IO Security Amort/Income Flag | 17387 | Determines how the system recognizes amortization and accretion on the General Ledger for securities with a processing security type (PST) of Interest Only Factor Based Debt Instrument (DBFBIO) for the share class. Options include:
Other Information Fields |
Inception Value | 1160 | Specifies the monetary value of the share class at the inception date. For reference only. |
Cap Stock Fields |
STAR Initial NAV | 3634 | Specifies the initial NAV per share class as of the STAR conversion date. You can specify this value at the share class level if the entity contains more than one share class. |
Base Class | 12013 | Indicates whether the share class NAV is used as the basis when determining NAV divergence. When you set up a fund that use set rate distributions, you must identify a specific share class as the base class for that master fund. Options include Yes and No. |
Allocation Fields |
FOF Allocation Rule | 11524 | Determines how to perform fund of fund (FOF) allocations for the share class. Fund of funds processing enables you to allocate a master fund’s cash inflows and outflows across its underlying fund investments. The available allocation methods use the market value of its underlying funds. The investment ownership in each fund of fund is calculated by dividing each underlying security’s market value to the total market value of all underlying securities. Given the nature of the FOF fund structure, it is necessary to allocate the master fund’s cash inflows and outflows across the underlying funds, utilizing set allocation ratios. |
Share Class Fields |
NASDAQ Symbol | 13 | Specifies the NASDAQ symbol. |
Load Charge | 5165 | Specifies the load charge for the share class. |
Load Effective Date | 5166 | Specifies the effective date of the load charge for the share class. This date is required if you specify a load charge. |
Share Class CUSIP | 10748 | Specifies the CUSIP of the share class. |
Share Class Ticker | 10479 | Specifies the ticker of the share class. |
Share Class Exchange | 10480 | Specifies the exchange of the share class. |
Share Class ISIN | 10481 | Specifies the ISIN of the share class. |
Minimum Yield | 4992 | Indicates the minimum yield that a daily distributing master fund entity share class must obtain. The system requires a minimum yield to process expense reimbursements. If the net investment income (NII) process calculates a yield below this threshold, it recalculates the distribution amount to equal this threshold. The system automatically posts the difference to a dividend expense reimbursement account. The minimum yield is reported as a percentage; however, you must enter it as a numerical value. |
Share Class Hedging | 18045 | Determines if the share class elects share class hedging. Share class hedging allows a share class to have exposure to assets/securities denominated in a foreign currency without the associated currency risk of the base currency of the fund. A share class can elect to use share class hedging in order to allow Eagle Accounting to allocate the currency gain/loss directly to the hedge class. Options include:
Corporate Action Fields |
Calls,Puts,Refunds,Principal Repay,Cash Tender Prorata Close Flag | 17388 | Specifies how the system processes CA_CASH_CLOSE events that affect Calls, Puts, Refunds, Principal Repayments, and Cash Tender corporate actions for the share class. Determines whether the system relieves lots on a prorata basis or based on lot selection method. Options include:
Transfer Agent Fields |
Share Class Status | 3630 | Displays the status of the share class. Options include Active (Default) and Inactive. The system excludes share classes with an Inactive status from SEC yield calculation. |
Share Class Termination Date | 3631 | Specifies the termination date of the share class. It is used in SEC yield processing. |
Retail Performance |
Generate Dummy Share Class ID | 7006 | Determines whether to generate a dummy share class identifier. Options include Yes and No. |
Share Class ID | 2421 | Specifies a unique share class identifier. The system displays a value if you set Generate Dummy Share Class ID to Yes. |
Check to Validate Share Class ID is Unique | 7010 | Indicates whether the share class ID is unique. Options include Yes and No. |