Understand To Be Announced (TBA) Trades
You can set up and work with To Be Announced (TBA) trades in Eagle Accounting. A TBA (To Be Announced) trade represents a contract for the purchase or sale of mortgage-backed securities, to be delivered at a future agreed-upon date. However, the number of pools and the specific pools that will be delivered to fulfill the TBA trade are unknown at the time of the TBA trade.
Eagle Accounting allows you to book TBAs and process allocations to the underlying pools after they are known. The TBA trades will be entered into Eagle Accounting, and once the underlying pools are available, you can recall the original TBA by lot for allocation. On the same panel where you recall the TBA, you can enter the necessary pool information. When you submit the transaction, Eagle Accounting closes the chosen TBA for the amount that you specified to allocate and then processes the underlying pools.
You can use the Open TBA panel, Close TBA panel, Allocate TBA Buy, and Allocate TBA Turnaround panel for these procedures.
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