Set Up Securities for the Equity Method of Accounting
You can use the equity method of accounting to track securities with a processing security type of Common Stock (EQCSCS) and/or Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership (JVLCLP).
Set Up Common Stock Securities
You can use Reference Data Center (RDC) to create Common Stock securities. Otherwise, if you are an Eagle Accounting client that has not yet shifted from using Issue Viewer to RDC, you can use Issue Viewer's Equity/Mutual Fund panel to set up the security. No special security setup for the equity method is needed. The panel displays the Quantity Type as Shares.
Set Up Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership Securities
You can use Reference Data Center (RDC) to create Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership securities.
Otherwise, if you are an Eagle Accounting client that has not yet shifted from using Issue Viewer to RDC, you can use Issue Viewer's Equity/Cost Method panel to set up the security. You can additionally use Issue Viewer's Equity/Mutual Fund panel to set up a Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership security. You must change the processing security type. Ensure you select the Processing Security Type and Quantity Type that applies to the JVLCLP security.
Set Up Security Types
If you choose, you can set up your own security types to differentiate the different types of securities used with securities with a processing security type (PST) of Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership (JVLCLP),
Update Eagle Accounting for the New Processing Security Type and Investment Type
If you added securities with a processing security type (PST) of Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership (JVLCLP), consider the impact on any setup rules you created that identify rules for individual processing security types. Also be aware that Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership securities have their own type of Investment Type (tag 11) code value of Equity/Cost Method (EC), in case you have rules that apply to each investment type.
Set Up Ledger Accounts
You can use Ledger Granularity custom account capabilities to modify core account names for JVLCLP securities and EQCSCS securities converted to the equity method of accounting. For more information about custom accounts, see About Custom Granularity.