Set Up the Equity Method of Accounting

Set Up the Equity Method of Accounting


During setup for the equity method of accounting, you select the entity/basis for the equity method security investment and set up the securities for the investments. You can switch into or out of the equity method by accounting and by effective dates. Be aware that when you convert in or out of the equity method, no rollback and replay occurs. 

You can use the equity method with both Investments in common stocks and with securities with an Investment Type of Equity/Cost (EC) and a processing security type (PST) of Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership (JVLCLP). When you set up the Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership security, you must define a quantity type of shares, units, or ownership percentage. If you do use shares or units, you can also store the ownership percentage based on total outstanding shares or units that are identified for the investment. 

You can set up information for: 

This section describes how to use Eagle's core investment accounting solution to set up the equity method of accounting. For setup information specific to Eagle's insurance accounting solution, see the insurance accounting solution user documentation. 

In this section