Change PST Rule Details

In the List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details panel, you can change ledger granularity rule details for custom granularity rules based on a PST rule. You can change custom ledger account information within the rule details.

To list PST rule details:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details (Accounting Center) link to access the panel.
    You see the List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details panel.
  4. In the Transaction Type field, select Change PST Rule Detail.
  5. In the Ledger Granularity Rule Name field, select the name of the ledger granularity rule with details you want to change.
  6. In the Processing Security Type field, select the processing security type for the details you want to change.
  7. Click Submit.
    You see a row for the PST rule details that met your criteria in the Show All tab.
  8. Select the row you want to change so that a check mark appears in the Select column, and click Change Ledger Granularity Rule Detail.
    You see the Change Ledger Granularity Rule Detail tab.
  9. Change the rule details and click Submit.
    You can update only the Custom Ledger Account Number field and Custom Ledger Description field values. All other fields are locked and are for information only.
  10. Close the List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details bottom tab to return to the Accounting Center.
  11. After you update PST rule details, you use the Custom Granularity Reload panel or schedule the related event to run when transaction periods are closed. See the Perform a Custom Granularity Reload section for more information.
    This allows the system to obtain the most up to date ledger mappings for that transaction period.