Convert Data for Ledger Granularity
A ledger conversion reclassifies ledger balances for lots with a holding term of cash equivalent or short term. The ledger conversion reclassifies ledger balances only for the accounts Cost of Investments and Investment Interest Receivable from the core account to the corresponding short term and cash equivalent accounts. Reclass entries are based on cost lot field: Amortized Cost (local and base) and Period to Date Accrued Interest (local and base). The reclass entries have an accounting date equal to the ledger granularity rule's effective date specified on the entity/accounting basis.
Eagle assumes that before you perform a holding term conversion, you set up ledger granularity rules based on holding term and assign those rules to the appropriate entity/accounting basis groupings. You must also update any lots that require a holding term trade level override using the Non Financial Trade Data Modification panel. Eagle assumes that you will perform a holding term conversion after you perform year end processing so that all other holding term accounts are cleared out. Accounts that are closed out, such as realized gains/losses and income distribution, are not converted as part of this process as they are expected to have a zero balance at the start of a new fiscal year.
To perform a holding term conversion:
- From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter Holding Term Conversion in the Start Search text box.
- Click the Holding Term Conversion (Accounting Center) link to access the panel.
You see the Holding Term Conversion panel. - Complete the options in the Holding Term Conversion panel.
You initially set the Conversion Type field to a value of Lot Level Conversion to update existing holdings with the appropriate holding term value. You can then use the panel to set the Conversion Type field to a value of Ledger Conversion to reclassify ledger entries into the long term/short term/cash equivalent breakout for the converted lots. - Click Submit.
- Close the Holding Term Conversion bottom tab to return to the Accounting Center.
Holding Term Conversion Panel Options
The following are the options in the Holding Term Conversion panel.
Selection Criteria
The following are the options for selection criteria:
- Select Query Option (tag 2283). Indicates whether to convert holding term information for one or all entities and securities. Options include:
– One Entity/One Security. If you select this option, additional fields appear that allow you to identify the entity and security you want to convert, and optionally specify a holding term for the security.
– One Entity/All Securities. If you select this option, additional fields appear that allow you to identify the entity you want to convert.
– All Entities/One Security. If you select this option, additional fields appear that allow you to identify the security you want to convert, and optionally specify a holding term for the security.
– All Entities/All Securities. If you select this option, you convert all entities and securities. - Conversion Type (tag 3914). Identifies the type of holding term information to convert. Option include:
– Lot Level Conversion. Updates lot level holding term information. This option allows you to update existing holdings with a holding term, based on the lot's original acquisition date and maturity date. The system updates lots that meet your criteria with the appropriate Holding Term field (tag 9091) value of Short Term or Cash Equivalent. If the lot has a long term holding term, the system does not update the Holding Term field.
– Ledger Conversion. Processes ledger reclassification entries for converted lots. The system books reclass entries to core ledger accounts for lots with a short term or cash equivalent holding term. It reclassifies ledger balances from the core Cost of Investments and Investment Interest Receivable accounts to the corresponding short term and cash equivalent accounts. - Process Center (tag 4896). Specifies the entity's process center. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to All Entities/All Securities.
- Partition (tag 95). Specifies the entity partition code. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to All Entities/One Security or All Entities/All Securities.
Entity Information
The following are the options for entity information:
- Entity Name (tag 1164). Specifies the name of the entity. The entity you select must have a ledger granularity rule assigned to at least one of its accounting bases. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to One Entity/One Security or One Entity/All Securities.
- Entity ID (tag 1163). Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to One Entity/One Security or One Entity/All Securities.
Security Information
The following are the options for security information:
- Long Short (tag 15). Specifies the long/short indicator for lots to select for the holding term conversion. Options include Long and Short. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security.
- Asset ID Type (tag 1432). Specifies the asset ID type of the security. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security.
- Primary Asset ID (tag 14). Specifies the primary asset ID type of the security. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security.
- Issue Name (tag 961). Specifies the issue name of the security. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security.
- Conversion Date (tag 3915). Specifies the conversion date if you want the system to update positions with zero quantity (that is, fully closed). The system updates positions with zero quantity if the last transaction processed for that position occurs after the conversion date. You can specify a date less than the accounting date of the conversion, which occurs on the current date. This field appears if you set the Conversion Type field to a value of Lot Level Conversion.
- Holding Term (tag 9091). Specifies the holding term value to assign to lots in the selected position during a lot level conversion. This field appears if you set the Select Query Option field to One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security. Options include:
– Short Term. Identifies a short term holding.
– Cash Equivalent. Identifies a cash equivalent holding.
Perform a Custom Granularity Conversion
In the Custom Granularity Conversion panel, you can convert ledger data based on your custom granularity rules. The system updates existing ledger account records to reflect custom granularity rules where you break out core ledger accounts to custom accounts using ledger granularity rules based on criteria such as processing security type, security attributes, and security groupings. Updates made with the Custom Granularity Conversion panel have no effect on pre conversion ledger data.
After you convert your custom granularity data, you can use the Custom Granularity Reload panel to update ledger accounts on an ongoing basis. See the Update Custom Ledger Accounts section for more information.
If you are converting data for use with ledger granularity rules that use both holding term and custom granularity, you first use the Holding Term Conversion panel to update lots with the holding term and update ledger data to reflect holding term granularity rules. Afterwards, you use the Custom Granularity Conversion panel to convert ledger data based on custom granularity rules.
To perform a custom granularity conversion:
- From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter Custom Granularity Conversion in the Start Search text box.
- Click the Custom Granularity Conversion (Accounting Center) link to access the panel.
You see the Custom Granularity Conversion panel. - In the Select Query Option field, select One Entity to update a single entity or select All Entities to update all entities.
Additional options appear depending on the value you select. - If you selected One Entity, enter the name or identifier of the entity you want to update in the Entity Name and Entity ID fields.
- If you selected All Entities, you can restrict the conversion to a specified Process Center and/or partition by entering a value in the Process Center field and the Partition field.
- Click Submit.
- Close the Custom Granularity Conversion bottom tab to return to the Accounting Center.
Troubleshooting Issues with Custom Granularity Conversions and Reloads
When you use the Custom Granularity Conversion panel or use the Custom Granularity Reload panel, the system creates entries with the system date in the CUSTOM_GRAN_UPDATE_LOG table for every entity/accounting basis run, and writes the following status codes to that log table. If you encounter an issue during processing, you can review the statuses and run times in this table to help isolate where the issue lies. See the Perform a Custom Granularity Reload section for more information about the reload process.
The status codes include:
- LOADSTART. Indicates that Loadconv or Reload started.
- SGLOAD. Indicates Loadconv finished security grouping run, but did not yet run PST.
- LGLOAD. Indicates Loadconv finished both security grouping and PST runs.
- SGRELOAD. Indicates Reload finished security grouping run, but did not yet run PST.
- LGRELOAD. Indicates Reload finished both security grouping and PST runs.
- SGBATCHUPD. Indicates Batch-update finished security grouping run, but did not yet run PST.
- LGBATCHUPD. Indicates Batch-update finished both security grouping and PST runs.