Understand Cash Balances on Schedule E
You can prepare NAIC schedules, including Schedule E, on a Client level or an Entity level.
When you prepare Schedule E at the Entity level:
ISTAR displays a single currency balance reflecting the total of all Cash on Deposit for the portfolio.
If multiple bank accounts exist for a given entity, values are aggregated using the base currency of the entity and displayed as a single line, as an Open Depository balance.
When you prepare Schedule E at the Client Level:
ISTAR aggregates the cash balances in the underlying Entities based on the bank assigned to each
If multiple entities share the same bank, then the balances for each Entity are combined and treated as a single currency balance.
Account balances between -$250,000 and +$250,000 are combined and displayed as a single line item on Disk Line 0199998. If no balances are greater than +$250,000, or less than -$250,000, then the balance for the Primary Depository is displayed as a separate line item and all other balances are combined on Line 0199998.
If no primary depository has been established, and no balance exceeds $250,000, all balances are aggregated in the disk line 0199998 total. This is considered a data issue and a primary bank should be established.
There are several considerations when using Schedule E – Part 1 prepared on an annual basis and prepared on a quarterly basis. You can also designate cash balances as Cash in Company Office.