Post Daily Fund Month End Rec Pay Valuation

In the Post Daily Fund Month End Rec Pay Valuation panel, when you use month end processing, you can process valuations only for those foreign balances where the Month End Balance differs from the Daily Balance. The posting process is the same as that used for the Post Daily Fund Month End Valuation panel in that there is no net change to the daily balance or activity.

You can run this procedure only after the Month End Transaction Close has been run, but prior to running the Month End Valuation Close.

To post daily fund month end receivable payable valuation:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing and Exceptions > Global Processes > Daily Fund Month End Valuation > Post Daily Fund Month End Rec Pay Valuation.
    You see the Post Daily Fund Month End Rec Pay Valuation panel.

  2. Complete the options on the panel.

  3. Click Submit.

Post Daily Fund Month End Rec Pay Valuation Panel Options

The following are the options in the Post Daily Fund Month End Rec Pay Valuation panel. Note options may vary according to your selections. 







Daily unrealized gain loss posting



Select Query Option


Specifies the valuation source. Additional fields appear based on your selection. Options include:

  • Use Valuation Fx Source. Uses the source identified in the FX Source Election field when processing.

  • Use MTM Rate Source. Allows you to specify a Mark to Market (MTM) source. Uses the source identified in the MTM Rate Source field when processing.

Entity ID


Specifies the unique entity identifier.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity.

Asset Currency


Specifies the currency in which the security is priced.

Portfolio Currency


Specifies the portfolio currency.

Current Valuation Date


Specifies the current valuation date.

Fx Source Election


Determines how to use the FX Source. You can use this field when you set Select Query Option to Use Valuation FX Source. Options include:

  • All sources. Default.

  • Match incoming.

  • Use incoming.

  • Match MTM Rate Source.

MTM Rate Source


Determines how to use the MTM Rate Source. This field appears when you set Select Query Option to Use MTM Rate Source.