Manage Monthly Valuation Periods

Manage Monthly Valuation Periods

When you use month end processing, the Month End Valuation Process recalculates the month-end total net assets based on the as-of adjustments stored on the Monthly Ledger Balance table, and calculates the month-end NAV. The system stores this information on the Monthly ESTAR NAV table. It also stores the valuation period indicators, Transaction Close and Valuation Close, on the Monthly ESTAR NAV table. You can use the Close, Reopen, and List Monthly Valuation Periods panels to access the information on this table.


Close a Monthly Valuation Period

 In the Close Monthly Valuation Period panel, you can perform transaction closes and/or valuation closes for a month end valuation period for an entity.

To close a monthly valuation period:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Valuation > Month End Valuations > Close Monthly Valuation Period.
    You see the Close Monthly Valuation Period panel.

  2. In the Portfolio Name or Portfolio ID fields, specify the unique alphanumeric identifier or the abbreviated name of the entity you want to process.

  3. In the Month End Period Close Date field, specify the date for the month end valuation period that you want to close.

  4. In the Type of Close list, select one of the following options:
    - Transaction. Allow you to perform a transaction close for a month end valuation period.
    - Valuation. Allows you to perform a valuation close for a month end valuation period.

  5. Click Submit.

You can use the List Monthly Valuation Periods panel to view data for monthly valuation periods with a Transaction close or a Valuation close status.

Reopen Monthly Valuation Periods

 In the Reopen Monthly Valuation Period panel, you can reopen Month End Valuation Periods that are in a Transaction close and/or a Valuation close status for an entity.

To reopen monthly valuation periods:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Valuation > Month End Valuations > Reopen Monthly Valuation Period.
    You see the Reopen Monthly Valuation Period panel.

  2. In the Portfolio Name or Portfolio ID fields, specify the unique alphanumeric identifier or the abbreviated name of the entity you want to process.

  3. In the Month End Period Date box, specify date for the month end valuation period that you want to reopen.

  4. In the Reopen Type list, select the types of monthly valuation periods you want to reopen:
    - Both Valuation and Transaction. Allow you to reopen both Valuation close and Transaction close monthly valuation periods.
    - Transaction. Allows you to reopen Transaction close monthly valuation periods.
    - Valuation. Allows you to reopen Valuation close monthly valuation periods.

  5. Click Submit.

You can use the List Monthly Valuation Periods panel to view data for monthly valuation periods with a Transaction Close or a Valuation Close status.

List Monthly Valuation Periods

In the List Monthly Valuation Periods panel, you can view Transaction close and/or Valuation close data for monthly valuation periods for an entity. This panel allows you to view data stored on the Monthly ESTAR NAV table.

To list monthly valuation periods:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Valuation > Month End Valuations > List Monthly Valuation Periods.
    You see the Close Monthly Valuation Period panel.

  2. In the Entity ID or Entity Name fields, specify the unique alphanumeric identifier or the abbreviated name of the entity you want to view.

  3. In the Start Date and End Date fields, specify the beginning and ending date of the monthly valuation periods you want to view.

  4. In the Include Linked Entities list, indicate whether you want to view monthly valuation periods for sectors associated with the specified entity. Options include:
    - No. Default. View monthly valuation periods only for the specified entity.
    - Yes. View monthly valuation periods for the specified entity, along with monthly valuation periods for the entity’s sectors.

  5. In the Show Initial NAV list, indicate whether the results should show the NAV for the initial period:
    - Yes. Default.
    - No

  6. Click Submit.