Monitor Potential As-Of Activity

Monitor Potential As-Of Activity

When you use month end processing with a master fund, you can additionally monitor and report any potential as of activity. Potential as of activity is any ledger transaction that takes place from the day after a fund’s specified month end close date, up to and including a user defined business day following a period end.

Systematic month end close for these funds also can automatically perform a month end close and define the as-of activity period after month end. This activity is analyzed to determine if it has significant financial statement impact. As a result, the:

  • Month End Control Center includes a month end ledger to subledger reconciliation similar to the Daily Control Center ledger to subledger reconciliation. Month End Control Center systematically closes the month end period of a fund based on a defined number of business days after the fund’s month end date. This date is the Potential Activity date in Eagle Accounting.

  • Eagle Accounting Report Package includes a Potential as of Ledger Activity report that can identify any potential as of activity after the month end close date. The Potential as of Ledger Activity report allows you to see potential as of activity and its associated impact to the prior month end. The report allows you to retrieve transactions with effective dates prior or equal to the last month end closed date posted in the current month end period. The report displays the month end impact of these transactions, had they been posted in the closed month end.

To use the Potential as of Ledger Activity report, you must set the master fund’s Month End Processing Indicate field (tag 9697) to Yes, and specify values for the Month End System Close Business Days field (tag 12093) and the Potential As of Business Days field (tag 120945). For details, see Set Up Entities for Month End Processing.

You can then monitor and report any potential as of activity.