Assign a Primary Center Role to a User

Assign a Primary Center Role to a User

You can assign multiple Center roles and set one of the roles as primary. When a user has permissions to multiple Center roles, the higher permissions prevail.

Currently, this feature is available to users with Control Center roles only.

To assign a primary Center role to a user:

  1. In User Administration, click Users in the left navigation.
    You see a list of all the available users.

  2. To quickly find a user, click the Find button. To find your own user profile, click Locate Current User.

  3. Click the user you wish to edit and click Edit.
    You see the Details workspace for the selected user.

  4. Under Center Roles, click to select a Center and click the drop down to review the list of roles.
    For example, click Control Center.

  5. To select a role, click the check box next to the role. You can click multiple check boxes.

  6. To assign a primary center role to a user, right click a role and select Set as Primary.

    Center Roles - Control Center
  7. To access a Center role directly from User Details, right click a role and click Locate
    NOTE: You must have the appropriate permissions to access Center Roles.

    Center Roles - Locate
  8. Review the Center role details and permissions in the Center Roles workspace.

    Center Roles Details