Manage Business Groups

Manage Business Groups

In User Administration, business groups allow you to configure access to business data processed by your system. Regular and compound business groups can be used to define access to entities, sources, codes, classifications, custom archive rules, and engine capacity groups. You can assign permissions based on the job function of a group and control access and the ability to perform specific job functions. Permissions created at a business group level are bundled so that you can assign and maintain permissions for users with similar job functions.

You can manage business groups as follows:

Business Groups workspace

About Regular and Compound Business Groups

In User Administration, business groups allow you to configure access to key business data. Eagle supports two types of business groups: regular and compound. A compound business group consists of one or several compound or regular business groups, as shown in the following diagram.

Regular and Compound Business Groups diagram

Data security follows the bottom to top approach where users assigned to a particular business group have access to the data from this group and all underlying groups. This approach is used for all data that is available to the business group, including entities, sources, codes, etc. 

System Parameters and Business Group Tabs

Access to Codes, Classifications, Custom Archive Rules, and Engine Capacity Groups is driven by System Parameters that are accessible via Eagle's System Management Center. System Parameters allow you to grant access to business data to all users (System Parameter value is set to No) or to configure access via a business group (System Parameter value is set to Y, as shown below).

If you set System Parameters 78, 79, and 81 to Y, the corresponding tabs will be displayed in the business group. If these parameters are set to No, the tabs will be hidden. For System Parameter 165, set the value to 1 to enable Engine Capacity Groups.

System Parameters Business Groups