Delete a Legal Entity
In the legal entity workspace, you can delete legal entity data.
To delete legal entity data:
In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation pane, click Legal Entities.
You see the Legal Entity workspace with all the available detail data.Click the View By drop down and select Legal Entities and their Exceptions.
Complete the required search criteria and click the Search button.
NOTE: You must filter by gold copy source and your choice of as-of date or process date. You can optionally filter by error code, data strategy, issuer name, authorization status, issuer ID, and release status.You see the search results based on the criteria you selected.
Select the legal entity you wish to delete and click Delete.
You see the Reference Data Center dialog box asking you to confirm the delete.Click Yes to delete the entity.
Click Refresh Screen.
You see the legal entity removed from the Legal Entities workspace.