Using RDC Data Keys System Settings Limit to Manage Engine Performance
RDC has a system setting in the rulesdbo.rdc_system table called Data Keys Limit. This value controls how many individual items (securities or legal entities) are processed within one child event. The default value is set to 5,000.
Depending on how many engines are set to run in parallel, and how many data keys fall within any given data strategy, it may be necessary to change this value during implementation to fine-tune performance.
Because this system setting is currently hidden and therefore not available in the RDC Setup System Settings screen, you will need to run the following script directly in the database, replacing 5,000 and ‘USERNAME’ with the desired values.
To run the script directly in the database:
update rulesdbo.rdc_system
system_value = 5,000,
update_source = 'USERNAME',
update_date = sysdate
where system_inst = 4