Add a Gold Copy Price

The icon for Add Gold Copy Price only becomes active when you are in the Prices Summary Copy view.  This feature was designed for unique cases when a price is needed downstream in a tight window and the current data strategy configuration does not include coverage for the security. 

This feature allows you to enter a price directly into the RULESDBO.PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES, RULESDBO.PRICE_WIP (Accounting unrealized gain loss automation table), and the SECURITYDBO.PRICE tables without going through the Reference Data Center prices workflow.  

The source you are applying the price to must be configured as a gold copy source. In addition, a default data strategy for the gold copy source the price is being added for needs to be configured.

To add a gold copy price:

  1. In the Prices Summary Gold Copy Data View ribbon, click Add Gold Copy Price.
    You see the Add Gold Copy Price dialog.

  2. The Effective Date defaults to the current system date. Click on the Calendar icon to select a new date.

  3. Select the Primary Security ID from the drop-down list. This is the primary identifier of the security you are trying to price. 

  4. Click the Gold Copy Source and select the composite source you want the price applied to.

  5. Select the Gold Copy Price Type you want the price applied to.

  6. Click the Vendor Source and select the vendor source you want reference with the price you are entering.

  7. Select the Vendor Price Type you want referenced  with the price you are entering.

  8. Select the Price Status. Options include:
    –   Pass with warnings
    –   Pass

  9. Select the Price Condition. Options include:
    –   Adjusted price
    –   Approved
    –   Average Price
    –   Cancel
    –   Fair Value
    –   Fair value - Holiday
    –   Not received
    –   Odd lot
    –   Priced
    –   Reject fair Value
    –   Unapproved

  10. Enter the Price Level you want attached to the price.

  11. Select the Reason Code from the drop-down list. 
    NOTE: You can add to this list by updating code category Pricing Center - Price Change Reason. 

  12. Enter any optional Comments or Attachments.

  13. Click Save.