Manage Price Error Codes

Manage Price Error Codes

Error codes can have a severity level of either Critical or Warning. The designation of a severity level controls whether the error is considered during the release process in RDC Prices. Critical errors prevent data from being released to the Production security tables, while warning errors are simply informational. You can use the Setup workspace in Reference Data Center to add, view, and edit the error codes used by RDC Prices.

There are predefined error codes within RDC under the center RDC and RDC Prices. RDC Prices Error Codes all start with the Error prefix of PR, have a severity of Critical and are defined with an Origin of Eagle. You may not purge these, as they are core error codes.



Business Description



Same Day Different Source Comparison Failed

Same Day Different Source Validation Test Has Exceeded The Configured Threshold

Verify the Accuracy of the Price Received. The established threshold has been surpassed.


Confidence Level Failed

Confidence Level Is Not Within Threshold Defined

The Confidence Level for the established source was not met. Review the source used and consider utilizing an alternative source.


Day Over Day Comparison Failed

Day Over Day Comparison Test Has Exceeded The Configured Threshold

Verify Accuracy of Price Received as the comparision for the past price is beyond the established threshold.


Manual Price Entered

A Price Has Been Entered Manually

Ensure the Manual Price added is accurate and verified.


Benchmark Validation Failed

Benchmark Validation Test Has Exceeded The Defined Threshold

Check Securities Price Movement Is Accurate.


Days Unchanged Failed

The Number of Days Unchanged Has Exceeded The Defined Tolerance

Verify No Price Movement Existed For Days of Test.


Compare To Prior Day Gold Failed

Comparison To Prior Day Gold Has Exceeded Defined Threshold

Verify the Accuracy of Price Received.


Compare To Set Value Failed

Value Exceeded The Set Value Test

Verify the Price Is Valid.

You may create your own codes for RDC Prices. These will have an Origin of Custom.

Add Error Codes

You can add error codes for use with price validations.

To add error codes:

  1. From the Setup workspace, click Errors in the left navigation.
    You see the Errors workspace with the current list of error codes.

  2. Click Create New.
    You see the Create New dialog box.

  3. Click the Center drop down and select RDC Prices.
    NOTE: If the RDC Prices option is unavailable in your version, select Reference Data Center.

  4. In the Code text box, enter a unique identifier. If you leave this option blank, the system assigns a unique identifier.

  5. Specify the severity for this error.
    Options include:
    –  Critical. (Default). This option blocks the price from being composited. The price must be reviewed or corrected, before it can be released.
    –  Warning. This option allows the price to be composited. The error is considered informational.

  6. In the Description text box, enter a description of the error.

  7. In the Business Description text box, optionally enter a business description of the error.

  8. In the Resolution text box, enter a suggested resolution for the error.

  9. Click Save & Close.
    You see the refreshed list of all the available error codes.

Example - Missing Price Critical Error

Below is an example of how you might populate the fields when creating a Critical error for a Missing Price.






Select RDC Prices

Note: If RDC Prices is not available in your version, select RDC.


The system generates a unique ID.


Select Critical




Input a description of the error.

For example:

Missing Price

Business Description

Input a business description of the error.

For example:

Price has not been received from vendor.


Input a suggested resolution.

For example:

Verify the vendor is providing coverage for pricing.