Create Price Gold Copies
The Gold Copy price source is the best price source after best of breed pricing.
In Pricing Center, the Gold Copy price source was known as the Target Source. Legacy Eagle Pricing Center clients can choose to maintain existing Target Sources. Setup will be required to apply a Gold Copy definition to the Target Source.
Create a Gold Copy
You can use the Setup workspace in Reference Data Center to define gold copies to use with data strategies for compositing and maintaining prices. In this workspace you can edit and view gold copy definitions.
To create a gold copy source:
In the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Gold Copies.
You see the Gold Copies workspace with the list of available gold copies.Click Create New.
You see the Create New Gold Copy dialog box.
In the Name text box, enter a name for the gold copy.
In the Description text box, optionally enter a description of the gold copy.
In the Source field, select a source from the drop-down list.
In the Data Type field, select the data type (feed type) of Price.
The Price Option field appears.Price Option field options include the below:
Fair Value Confidence Interval - Specifies the minimum confidence interval, as sent by the vendor with the factor, for the fair value factor to be applied to the best prices for a given Gold Copy source. If the confidence interval for a fair value factor falls below the value of the Confidence Interval set for the Gold Copy source, the fair value factor is not applied to the best price for this Gold Copy source.
Price Confirmation Threshold - Specifies the minimum threshold (percentage of success) for the best prices for a given Gold source, to trigger a price confirmation record to be written to the
table of theSECURITY
database for this effective date and Gold Copy source. Not used unless the confirmation process is active, as controlled by the PRICE_CONFIRM system setting. Refer to System Settings for additional information about the PRICE_CONFIRM setting and other settings affecting the confirmation process.The success rate for a given Gold Copy Source and effective date is calculated as follows: rate of success = x/z*100 where:
x= count of best prices with Pass or Pass With Warnings
z= count of all prices in the specified Gold Copy source
Click Save.
You see the refreshed list of available gold copies.