Migrate Security Data Strategies

Before you can use Reference Data Center, you must import the shipped Eagle packaged content to pre-populate your environment with the security data strategies and related grid reports. Packaged content includes the standard grid reports you can access from the Reference Data Center toolbar and the data strategies for each default Eagle security type.

Import Reference Data Center Grid Reports

You must import the Eagle packaged content for securities grid reports before you can use Reference Data Center to select and submit reports from the toolbar.

To import the packaged securities grid reports:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter migration wizard in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the migration wizard link.
    You see the Migration Wizard main window.
  4. On the ribbon, click Import.
    You see the Import workspace to import grid reports or other components.
  5. Click the Browse drop down and locate the RDC_ccyymmdd_Grid_Reports.egl file for your release.
  6. Click the file name to initiate the file import.
    You see the list of migration items in the *.egl grid reports package file.
  7.  Click the Define a Duplicate drop down and select the option shown below, for each migration item.
    –  Portal Admin Queries. You must select Only name.
    –  Inventory of Fields. You must select Only name.
    –  Options. You must select Only name.
    –  Codes. You must select Only name.
    –  Code Values. You must select Only name.
    –  Sources. You must select Only name.
    –  Stored Procedures. You must select Only name.
    –  Feed Types. You must select Only name.
  8. Click the Duplicate Handling drop down and select the option shown below, for each migration item.
    –  Portal Admin Queries. You must select Override the existing item.
    –  Inventory of Fields. You must select Use the existing item.
    –  Options. You must select Use the existing item.
    –  Codes. You must select Use the existing item.
    –  Code Values. You must select Use the existing item.
    –  Sources. You must select Use the existing item.
    –  Stored Procedures. You must select Not applicable.
    –  Feed Types. You must select Use the existing item.
  9.  Click Import to initiate the package file importation process.
    You see the Migration Wizard dialog box with the message "Import Completed".
  10.  Click OK.

Import Reference Data Center Data Strategies

You must import the Eagle packaged content for securities data strategies before you can use Reference Data Center to maintain securities information for the default Eagle security types.

To import the packaged securities data strategies:

  1.  From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2.  Enter migration wizard in the Start Search text box.
  3.  Click the migration wizard link.
     You see the Migration Wizard main window.
  4.  On the ribbon, click Import.
     You see the Import workspace.
  5.  Click the Browse drop down and locate the RDC_ccyymmdd_All_Data_Strategies.egl file for your release.
  6.  Click the file name to initiate the file import.
     You see the list of migration items in the *.egl data strategies package file.
  7.  Click the Define a Duplicate drop down and select the option shown below, for each migration item.
    –  Feed Types. You must select Only Name.
    –  Sources.You must select Only Name.
    –  Codes. You must select Only Name.
    –  Code Values. You must select Only Name.
    –  Fields. You must select Field Identifier.
    –  Date Rules. You must select Only Name.
    –  Custom Fields. You must select Only Name.
    –  Inventory of Fields. You must select Only Name.
    –  Source Rules. You must select Only Name.
    –  Eagle Exceptions. You must select Only Name.
    –  RDC Tabs. You must select Only Name.
    –  RDC Validations. You must select Only Name.
    –  RDC Field Groups. You must select Only Name.
    –  RDC Gold Copies. You must select Only Name.
    –  RDC Data Strategies. You must select Only Name.
    –  Fields on Authorization. You must select Only Name.
  8.  Click the Duplicate Handling drop down and select the option shown below, for each migration item.–  Feed Types. You must select Use the existing item in the destination.Sources. You must select Use the existing item in the destination.
    –  Codes. You must select Use the existing item in the destination.
    –  Code Values. You must select Use the existing item in the destination.
    –  Fields. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  Date Rules. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  Custom Fields. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  Inventory of Fields. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  Source Rules. You must select Use the existing item in the destination.
    –  Eagle Exceptions. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  RDC Tabs. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  RDC Validations. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  RDC Field Groups. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  RDC Gold Copies. You must select Use the existing item in the destination.
    –  RDC Data Strategies. You must select Overwrite the existing item in the destination.
    –  Fields on Authorization. You must select Use the existing item in the destination.
  9.  Click Import to initiate the package file importation process.
    You see the Migration Wizard dialog box with the message "Import Completed".
  10.  Click OK.
  11.  Start and start the PACE Server applications to refresh the environment to use the imported data strategies.