Manage Code Translations

Manage Code Translations

In the setup workspace you can create, edit, duplicateĀ and delete code translations. For a specific code, youĀ canĀ view code translations from the Codes/Code Values Grid tab.

Code Translation allows for disparate information from different sources to be stored as standardized values, that is, each incoming value is translated into a new value.

For example, different sources may provide the same information using different standards. The incoming field for Security Type may contain different values depending upon the source that provides the data. Source A may provide the Security Type data using values such as 01, 02, and 03 in which 01 refers to Preferred Stock, 02 refers to Common Stock and 03 refers to Rights. Source B may provide the security type data using values such as PS, CS and RT, in which PS also refers to Preferred Stock, CS also, refers to Common Stock and RT also refers toĀ Rights. The goal here is to standardize these incoming values, regardless of the source. In the followingĀ  example, the decision has been made to translate all values of Security Type into values such as PS, CS and RT (longer translations, such as ā€• Preferred Stock were not used because these translations cannot contain more than 20 characters). If the source already provides the Security Type values in this format, then no translation is required for that source.

From source: Source A

To source: Source B

From source: Source A

To source: Source B

Security Type - Short Description

Security Type - Long Description

Security Type - Short Description

Security Type - Long Description


Preferred Stock


Preferred Stock


Common Stock


Common Stock










Corporate Bonds


Corporate Bonds

Create Code Translations

In the Create New Code Translation window, you can create new code translation.

To create a new code translation:

  1. From the left navigation, selectĀ SetupĀ >Ā Metadata > Codes.
    You see the Codes workspace with the list of available code translations. By default, the Codes workspace opens with the Code/Code Values tab.

  2. Click theĀ CodeĀ TranslationĀ tab and then clickĀ Create New on the Home tab.
    You see the Create New Code Translation window.

  3. Under Select value to translate from section, select the associated code and source for the code values you need to translate from.

    • Click the Code list to select the code associated with the code value.

    • Click the Source list to select the source mapped to the code value.

    • Click View By list to view the code values by short or long description.
      Based on the selected criteria, you see the code values display in the below grid.

  4. Under Select value to translate to section, select the associated code and source for the code values you need to translate to.

    • Click the Code list to select the code associated with the code value.

    • Click the Source list to select the source mapped to the code value.

    • Click View By list to view the code values by short or long description.
      Based on the selected criteria, you see the code values display in the below grid.

  5. From the two list boxes, select a code value to translate From and a code value to translateĀ To and clickĀ Add Translation.
    You see the added code translation display in the Defined Translation box.

  6. Repeat the process to add more code translation, as required.

  7. In Defined Translation box, to remove a translation, select the translation and click the Delete icon next to it.
    You see the code translation is removed from the Defined Translation box.

  8. To create a reverse translation, select the Reverse checkbox next to the code translation.
    You see a new reverse code translation added to the Defined Translation box with the Reverse Translated type.

  9. ClickĀ Save.
    You see the new code translation displayed in the list of code translations.

Edit Code Translations

In the Codes workspace, you can modify the existing code translation.

ToĀ edit aĀ code translation:

  1. From the left navigation, selectĀ SetupĀ >Ā Metadata > Codes.
    You see the Codes workspace with the list of available code translations. By default, the Codes workspace opens with the Code/Code Values tab.

  2. Under Code Translation tab, select the code translation you want to edit and then clickĀ Edit on the Home tab.
    You see the Edit Code Translation window.

  3. Update the fields following the steps outlined in Create a Code Translation section.

  4. ClickĀ Save to save the changes.
    You see theĀ revised code translation displayed in the list of code translations.

Duplicate Code Translations

In the Codes workspace, you can duplicate a code translation.

ToĀ duplicate aĀ code translation:

  1. From the left navigation, selectĀ SetupĀ >Ā Metadata > Codes.
    You see the Codes workspace with the list of available code translations.Ā By default, the Codes workspace opens with the Code/Code Values tab.

  2. Under Code Translation tab, select the code translation you want to duplicate and then clickĀ DuplicateĀ on the Home tab.
    You see the Duplicate Code Translation window.

  3. Update the fields following the steps outlined in Create Code Translation.

  4. ClickĀ Save to save the changes.
    You see theĀ duplicate code translation displayed in the list of code translations.

Delete Code Translations

In the Codes workspace, you can delete a code translation.

ToĀ delete aĀ code translation:

  1. From the left navigation, selectĀ SetupĀ >Ā Metadata > Codes.
    You see the Codes workspace with the list of available code translations.Ā By default, the Codes workspace opens with the Code/Code Values tab.

  2. Under Code Translation tab, select the code translation you want to delete and then clickĀ DeleteĀ on the Home tab.
    You see the Delete Code Transaction(s) window asking you to confirm deletion.

  3. ClickĀ OK.
    You see the code translation is deleted from the list of code translations.